This is NOT an attack on Elon Musk.
I’m a big fan.
Love the cars….
Love the work on solar (I want a solar roof!)….
Love the Cybertruck!
Love how he’s saved Twitter!
So let’s get that clear right upfront.
Elon is the subject of this story, but not the target.
The target is the climate change charlatans crying wolf over “climate change” but the whole thing is just a huge scam!
We’ve covered the scam of “Climate Change Science” before so I’m not going to get into that here, I just want to show you the absurdity of what is happening.
After Elon launched (and exploded) his most recent rocket this weekend with 33 massive engines, I got to wondering how much Carbon was released into the atmosphere from that one launch (and explosion)?
Turns out the explosion doesn’t really move the needle, because most of the fuel is burned up either way.
But here’s the shocking answer:
Ok, so one Rocket Launch from Elon = 336 metric tons of Carbon going into the atmosphere.
And I did not hear any complaints from Greta and her ilk.
But how many times have we heard that you and I can’t have a gas stove anymore because that is destroying the environment?
What a joke!
Let’s go to the numbers:
Ok, so that is 0.4125 KG of Carbon released if you run your gas stove for 60 minutes.
And I would guess most of us do not even run them anywhere close to 60 minutes a day, right?
So then the obvious final question:
There you have it folks!
In ONE Rocket Launch, Elon Musk just shot 814,545 TIMES more Carbon into the atmosphere than your gas stove!
We can take it a step farther and see how long I could run not just my gas stove but everything powered by gas in my house.
First question:
Ok so my house uses an average of 804 therms of natural gas each year, and that kicks off an average of 4,261.2 kg of Carbon:
So now the final obvious question:
There you have it folks!
I could power my entire house for 78 YEARS and that would equal what Elon Musk’s rocket did in one launch.
So….who is the problem here?
You and me with our gas stoves?
Or Rocket Launches?
Plane Flights?
All things mostly consumed by THE ELITES?
Of course, the answer is really neither of the above.
The whole thing is FAKE!
There is no climate change of any discernable measure.
The only “carbon” they want to eliminate is YOU!
Elon Musk’s Latest Starship Explodes — Did It Hit The Firmament?
Well folks, Elon Musk just sent up another massive starship rocket last night with 33 (interesting number) massive engines.
Let’s start with this incredible video of takeoff:
Magnificent Machine with a 1000 ft plume
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 18, 2023
It took off….
Flew for a LONG time….
And then POOF, massive explosion!
It’s stunning to see, and I’ll show you in a minute.
But the real question is what made it suddenly explode right where it did?
The official story is it lost contact with control and blew itself up.
Lost huh?
Few details are known at this time, but during a livestream of the event, one SpaceX official said an automated termination system onboard Starship was likely triggered and the spacecraft appeared to have detonated.
Reports say Starship essentially destroyed itself and the…
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) November 18, 2023
Hmmm, ok.
But many are asking: Did it hit the Firmament?
That’s not just Noah talking, that was actually TRENDING on Twitter:
Pretty incredible!
You do know about the Firmament right?
It’s right out of Genesis 1:6:
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
In fact, here are ALL references to the Firmament in the Bible:
- Genesis 1:6: “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters”.
- Genesis 1:7: “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so”.
- Genesis 1:8: “And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day”.
- Genesis 1:14: “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years”.
- Genesis 1:17: “And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth”.
- Psalms 19:1: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork”.
- Psalms 150:1: “Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power”.
And yes, that does suggest there is WATER above, not “space” but that’s a topic for another time.
Many “scholars” over the years have tried to explain that away, saying it just refers to our “atmosphere”.
Hmmm, ok.
But it sure does seem odd that we seemingly can’t break through it!
Again, that’s not my take….that’s what I just saw.
Go ahead and watch for yourself, let me know what you think this looks like.
Shorter clip:
The firmament is the real deal. Closed system, no way out.
— Xrgius Xanz (@sergioa94679493) November 18, 2023
Longer clip:
🚨 Stunning view of Elon Musk's Starship lift off before it bounced off the firmament and got lost 😂
— {Matt} $XRPatriot (@matttttt187) November 18, 2023
Different view, longer clip:
Wow, that is some explosion!
Definitely looks like it hits something solid and then spreads out, doesn’t it?
Did you know the founder of NASA (and ex-NAZI) Werner Von Braun put Psalm 119 on his tombstone:
Psalms 19:1 ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.’
— Norma Nunaurbiz (@NORMANUNAURBIZ) November 18, 2023
What an interesting verse to choose!
Yes they do:
The heavens declare the glory of god, and the firmament showeth his handiwork.
— Kaleb The Socrat (@KalebTheSocrat) November 11, 2023
As a bit of a side note, this is ALL you need to see to know “Climate Change” is fake….
So….@elonmusk and @SpaceX try to pierce the firmament again. 💥📷 BOOM not even a dent 📷👌
But let's talk about #ClimateChange for a moment….
They say you're using too much carbon and you shouldn't be allowed to have a Gas Stove…..
How much fucking carbon you think we…
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) November 18, 2023
So….@elonmusk and @SpaceX try to pierce the firmament again. 💥📷 BOOM not even a dent 📷👌
But let’s talk about #ClimateChange for a moment….
They say you’re using too much carbon and you shouldn’t be allowed to have a Gas Stove…..
How much fucking carbon you think we just exploded in the sky with this?
About 10,000 gas stoves?
It’s all a scam folks!
Yeah, but YOU are not allowed to have a gas stove….
What a joke!
Now riddle me this…
We supposedly flew to the moon DOZENS of times back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, right?
I do have that correct, don’t I?
With a mere FRACTION of the computing power we have today.
Yet we just went all the time it seemed like!
How is it that now, 50+ years later, the smartest man alive can’t seem to get ONE rocket into actual space?
Oh sure, he can put satellites in low earth orbit, but he doesn’t seem to be able to get past the Firmament.
Why do you think that is?
Why isn’t he on the Moon already?
MUCH less intelligent people with MUCH less computing power did it all the time 50 years ago, why can’t Elon?
Things that make you go “hmmmmm”.
Let’s flashback to Elon’s PRIOR launch….where we asked the exact same question:
Did Elon Musk’s Rocket Just Hit The Firmament And Explode?
Stay with me on this one…
This is bound to ruffle some feathers because I’m killing some sacred cows in this post.
Actually, not even killing them, just asking a question.
But every time I ask this question it stirs up some deep and sometimes angry responses.
“How dare you [question Space]!”
Read that last one in a Greta voice.
But sorry folks, I have to ask the question.
Have we truly been to Space?
Have we truly been to the moon?
Oh I have no doubt we have thousands of satellites in orbit, but that’s in low Earth orbit.
I’m asking whether there is a “Firmament” up there (as the Bible describes in multiple places, did you know that?).
If you don’t know about the Firmament, keep reading because I will give you more than you’ve ever wanted to know about it farther down below.
So please allow me to ask this question and set the stage for you.
Let’s start with the understanding that the Bible talks very clearly about there being a “Firmament” over Earth.
We’ll talk more about what that means in a minute, but start there.
Now I want you to think back to the 1969-1972 time period when we allegedly sent ship after ship of astronauts to the Moon.
Remember that?
Or if you weren’t alive, have you read about it?
Now riddle me this: why did we suddenly stop going?
We just got busy?
Got distracted?
Ran out of money?
We know it’s not any of those things.
So why did we stop going?
I’d love to hear your answers for that, but it’s one of the most basic unanswered questions of my lifetime.
Imagine the Europeans discover America back in the 1400’s and then just stopped sending boats?
Just decided to never go back?
Does that make any sense?
And one more question before I show you some videos of Elon’s rocket launch and ask my final question.
The one more question is this: how did we know how to shoot rockets off into space so well back in 1972 but we forgot how to do it with infinitely better technology in 2023?
Really, let that sink in a bit.
Remember the movie Apollo 11?
We had so many Apollo missions they got up Apollo 14.
Rocket after rocket after rocket.
But now?
Over 50 years later and lightyears (no pun intended) of tech advances under our belts and now we can’t even get the rocket into Space?
Say what now?
But that’s not just my opinion, that’ what CNBC just said….read this:
Elon Musk’s SpaceX on Thursday launched its Starship rocket for the first time, but fell short of reaching space after exploding in mid-flight. No crew were on board.
It’s the culmination of years of regulatory work and technological tests for SpaceX and the largest and most powerful rocket ever built.
The company made a first go at getting this launch off the ground on Monday, but a pressure valve in the Super Heavy booster apparently froze. SpaceX teams worked to resolve a number of unidentified issues to make a second attempt possible Thursday.
SpaceX leadership repeatedly stressed the experimental nature of the launch and said any result that involved Starship getting off the launchpad would be a success. The rocket flew for nearly 4 minutes and successfully separated from the Super Heavy booster, a key in-flight milestone, before suffering what the company called a “rapid unscheduled disassembly.”
Musk said the company “learned a lot” on Thursday and teased another test launch in “a few months.”
Now read that bold part again.
We sent 14 rockets to the moon by 1972, but now 50 years later we’ve gone backward and just getting off the launchpad would be a success?
Hello…is anyone out there with critical thinking skills?
Does this make sense to anyone?
Keep reading for my ultimate question which ties back into the firmament, but first here is a video from SpaceX:
Ok, now I want to ask you a question…
Did Elon’s rocket just run smack dab into the Firmament and blow up?
Because that’s what it looks like to me.
ICYMI: Space X exploded soon after takeoff, & then the massive burning rocket crashed into the ocean. It was not suppose to explode, but Elmo’s bots/trolls are trying to tell you otherwise.🙄
What about the damage to our ocean? 1000 tonnes of methane.
— Arctic Friend (@FriendEden100) April 20, 2023
Sure does look like it hit something solid, doesn’t it?
Watch again here:
This guy has a good point:
You don’t naturally just explode in mid air, do you?
Look folks, I’m just asking the question and based on everything I just listed above, I think it’s a fair question to ask: did we just shoot a massive rocket directly into the Firmament to see what would happen?
Elon says he got a ton of data from this launch.
Is that the data we were trying to get?
Are we in a Fishbowl and we’re trying to get data on just how big and thick and strong the Fishbowl is?
I’m not the only one asking the question.
Stew Peters just said the same thing:
BREAKING: Spacex rocket EXPLODES, unable to pass through firmament.
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) April 20, 2023
For those of you who think it’s a crazy question to even ask, you may not be aware of this:
Did The CIA Just Admit The Firmament Exists?
Can we talk “Conspiracy Theories” for a minute?
Actually, I think we need to start calling them “Conspiracy Facts”.
So does Elon Musk.
Because they’re all being proven true!
Watch this from Elon:
Elon Musk "To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true."
— Gretchen 🇺🇸 (@GretchenOO8) December 25, 2022
He was speaking directly about Twitter, but this comment from @MrJohnDais nails it…if you think it was ONLY at Twitter and they’re not lying to you basically everywhere else, then I have a bridge to sell you in New York.
With that as background, now watch this…
First you have to understand what you are about to see.
These are all official government documents….some of them very recent.
And what do they say?
What do they describe?
First of all, they use the word “firmament” very frequently.
They also talk about explosions and trying to break through the firmament.
Hello, “Operation Fishbowl, Project Dominik”.
Then it gets even crazier…
What are the Government’s models for flying airplanes?
Their model takes several assumptions into account.
First, they assume the Earth isn’t moving.
Then they assume the Earth isn’t spinning.
Wow, double strike for the Globe model.
I’ll just let you watch (and all of these are publicly available records you can search out yourself!).
Watch here:
Strangely enough, this isn’t my only “Flat Earth” story today…
I don’t search these out.
I don’t control what Tim Pool tweets…
But he just posted about “the Firmament” today.
More on that in a minute…
First, does anyone believe this? 👇
NASA “Lost” The Technology To Go To The Moon?
Buckle up my friends!
Many of you are not going to handle this article well.
Sorry, but my mission remains the same as it was when I founded this site in 2015: to shine the light on TRUTH, wherever that takes us.
So in this article we’re going to talk about the Earth, space and whether there is a massive cover up about the shape of the Earth.
Before you think I’ve gone completely crazy, all I ask is for you to look and see.
And as I always say, I report…YOU decide.
Also, before you think I’ve also gone crazy with the image up above, here’s the deal.
This is from a recent video uploaded by Sean over at SGT Report.
I’m sure MANY of you know SGT Report and have probably listened to a number of Sean’s videos.
I believe Sean is one of the absolute best interviewers out there.
He’s not crazy and he’s not afraid to let his investigation into a story take him wherever the truth goes.
So a few months ago, Sean started talking with these guys who run a channel called the Founded Earth Brothers.
It used to be Flat Earth Brothers but they changed the name to Founded Earth Brothers to reach more people.
Sean started interviewing them and in the early interviews you Sean comes right out and says he thinks “Flat Earth” is a crazy thing to even be talking about.
But then?
But then they keep talking and keep doing interviews and today Sean refers to himself as a “Globe as you’re told skeptic”.
This latest video is honestly one of the best interviews on any topic I have heard in a long time.
Incredibly powerful and I challenge anyone to watch this and not at least start to have some questions going off in your head about whether everything we have been told is a lie.
I can’t possibly put everything they talk about into one article but I’m going to hit a few high points that might cause you to say “huh?”
They did for me.
First up, did you know that despite ALL of our incredible technology and science and all the satellites and everything we have allegedly up in space, did you know that we don’t have ONE single photo of the Earth?
It’s true.
Now I know what you’re thinking, sure we do! I’ve seen the textbooks!
Except what you don’t realize is that EVERY single photo of the Earth that you’ve ever seen has a disclaimer by it saying it is a “composite image”.
Meaning they didn’t just click a button on a camera and snap the pic….instead they took a bunch of smaller images and stitched them all together in a computer program.
Not one single real photo of Earth exists.
And since they’re making these photos in a computer program, perhaps that’s why all of the images look so different over the years:
Yes folks, those are all images NASA has tried to tell you are of the Earth.
Crazy, you wouldn’t think it would change color so much now would you?
But we’re just getting started.
Did you know there is also no live video feed showing the FULL Earth spinning in space?
There are live feed videos but it’s always just of a slice of the Earth. Very odd.
You’d really think that with all our trips to space and all our satellites, we could turn on a camera, snap a normal picture and turn on a live feed to see the whole globe, right?
And speaking of those space trips, did you know after we went to the moon in 1972 we just chose to never go back.
Think about it.
Does that make sense to anyone?
No, I’m not joking.
Here is NASA Astronaut Don Pettit in a very famous clip saying “we don’t have the technology to go to the moon anymore.”
Watch for yourself:
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