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WATCH: Nikki Haley Makes INSANE Pledge

WOW, if this isn’t the MOST out-of-touch thing I have ever seen, I don’t know what is.

Nikki Haley has been branded as a military-industrial complex neocon and a ‘deep state Karen’ as I saw one influencer put it. We all saw Vivek call her Dick Cheney in three-inch heels and the name has stuck.

From where I am standing her political career is done, but she just managed to make things even worse for herself.

Appearing on a recent Fox News segment, Haley vowed that if she ever took office the first thing she would do was force user verification of everyone on social media.

She doesn’t want people posting anonymously because she deems that as a ‘national security’ threat. Does she even know what the conservative, MAGA base is?

Read on and please leave some choice words for Nikki in the comments section, let her know what you think of her and her insane Patriot Act 2.0 proposal.

Christina Pushaw writes: “Nikki Haley asserts that allowing people to post on social media anonymously is a “national security threat”. She promises that as president, she will force “every person on social media” to be “verified by their name.” I am no lawyer but isn’t this blatantly unconstitutional? Free speech includes anonymous speech.”

Charlie Kirk provided a quick history lesson for Nikki Haley:

“Nikki Haley says “every person on social media should be verified by name” for the sake of “national security.” Nice try, Nikki. Anonymous speech is a core part of free speech — which the founders would know, since many of them (including Alexander Hamilton and James Madison) wrote anonymously.”

In a related report, The Guardian explained that Haley is doubling her efforts to become the 2024 GOP nominee:

Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign will reserve $10m in television, radio and digital advertising across Iowa and New Hampshire beginning in the first week of December, a massive investment designed to give the former UN ambassador an advantage over the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, at a critical moment in the GOP nomination fight.

Collin Rugg likewise had this to say about Nikki Haley:

“Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley says the first thing she will do in office is get the algorithms of social media platforms and then verify every social media user by name. Vivek was right about Haley…

Haley, whose daughter enjoys posting on Tik Tok, said: “When I get into office, the first thing we have to do, social media companies, they have to show America their algorithms.”

“The second thing is every person on social media should be verified by their name… it’s a national security threat.”

Liz Churchill likened Nikki Haley to the Nazi propagandist and senior party member Joseph Goebbels.

Politico summarized Haley in one paragraph:

Haley is gambling that Trump’s legal woes could take a turn for the worse and the party establishment could consolidate around a clear Trump alternative — someone like her, with a heavyweight resume that has the traditional boxes checked off.

Her bet is that conventional wisdom — that the party has moved on from the Bush and Reagan years and bears no semblance that version — is wrong.


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