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First Images Released Of The White House Cocaine—See Them Here

Are you kidding me with this?

The first images of the White House cocaine have been released, yet no suspect has been named—how can they have the pictures but no suspect? Everyone knows who that cocaine belonged to!

I might be against the Drug War but I also don’t like preferential treatment. Either the same laws apply to everyone or we simply shouldn’t have laws is how I feel about it.

Earlier this year the Secret Service ended its investigation with no suspects or leads, they later claimed that because there were no cameras posted in that area they couldn’t figure out who it was.

Now, this isn’t a fact, but I am willing to bet the Secret Service knows exactly who that cocaine belonged to. Charlie Kirk shared his thoughts:

“Here are the FIRST EVER published images of the cocaine found inside the White House, obtained by the Daily Mail.

This cocaine sparked a West Wing evacuation and an 11-day investigation which produced no criminal charges.

According to the Secret Service, security cameras were not pointed at the phone lockers in the West Executive Entrance, and no usable fingerprints or DNA were found on the bag. The timeline is still curious though.

The White House maintains that Hunter wasn’t present on July 2nd when the cocaine was found—he was spending the weekend at Camp David ahead of the Fourth of July holiday—but Hunter was widely reported to have checked into the White House on June 21st and stayed for two weeks.

Other reports surfaced that Biden was briefed on who the cocaine likely belonged to and that it was someone in the Biden family orbit.

We’ll probably never know the whole truth with certainty. But ask yourself: Does anyone really expect the Secret Service to incriminate the First Family?”

Daily Mail broke the story:

The Secret Service closed the investgation in less than two weeks due to a ‘lack of evidence.’

The list of suspects had been narrowed down to 500, but security footage wasn’t able to determine the owner as cameras do not face the locker area.

It is unclear if any suspects were interviewed during the short investigation – and whether lockers are assigned to specific personnel.

Famed journalist Simon Ateba noted: “Following Freedom of Information Act request, first photos have emerged of Cocaine discovered at the White House last summer. The cocaine was found in locker no. 50 near the West Executive entrance.

The Secret Service had investigated the incident without making any arrests, and photos of the one-gram baggy containing the substance were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the Daily Mail.”

The New York Post had more:

As part of the July congressional briefing, the Secret Service also disclosed that marijuana had twice been confiscated from White House visitors trying to make it through checkpoints — but no arrests were made.


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