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Biden IRS Targets Conservative Non-Profit, 2013 All Over Again?

Sources say that Biden’s IRS is now targeting conservative organizations and non-profits, now where have I seen that film before?

Oh, that’s right. Under Barrack Obama’s administration, Lois Lerner and the IRS unfairly targeted conservative groups in 2013.

According to sources, Biden’s IRS has now targeted the American Accountability Foundation (AAF), an organization that helped to expose several Biden nominees.

Following the group’s work, many of the nominees dropped out or were canned—they never made it to positions of power.

The American Accountability Foundation issued this announcement on Monday:

“The Internal Revenue Service has moved to audit a conservative group that has exposed the radicalism of some of President Joe Biden’s nominees to senior administrative posts, and in so doing, led him to withdraw their candidacies.

The American Accountability Foundation has exposed numerous Biden nominees, and it published emails showing that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., had encouraged the IRS to target conservative organizations, including AAF, for extra scrutiny and investigation.

“Senator Whitehouse has repeatedly called for the IRS to investigate AAF—by name,” AAF President Tom Jones told The Daily Signal in an emailed statement Monday. “Attacking groups like ours has been a priority for Senator Whitehouse and it appears the Biden admin has heeded his calls.”

Daily Signal broke the story:

“We’re auditing your organization’s Form 990 for the tax year ended December 31, 2021,” an IRS revenue agent wrote in a Sept. 14 letter to AAF. The organization provided a copy of the letter to The Daily Signal.

The IRS insisted it does not launch audits for partisan reasons. A spokesman said he could not confirm the audit.

“Under the federal tax law, federal employees can neither confirm nor deny that a particular organization is or is not being audited,” IRS spokesman Anthony Burke told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Monday. 

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna had this to say: “Anyone else think it’s not a coincidence that the IRS is now targeting a group exposing the Biden administration? This is awful.”

Daily Caller presented some of the names and instances where Biden nominees were thwarted by the AAF:

For instance, Biden’s FCC chair nominee Gigi Sohn donated to several Senate Commerce Democrats, including $550 to Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, $100 to Democratic Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto and John Fetterman and $200 to Democratic Sen. Michael Bennett, according to The Washington Examiner.

AAF sent a letter to Bennett, Cortez, Masto, Fetterman and Warnock, calling on the lawmakers that received contributions to recuse themselves from voting on Sohn’s nomination and calling for Sohn to withdraw.


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