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WATCH Former ICE Director Tom Homan: “I’m Going To Run The Biggest Deportation Operation The World Has Ever Seen!”

The Former ICE Director under President Trump, Tom Homan, is back with a message for the American people.

“I promised President Trump, if he goes back, I go back, and I’m going to run the biggest deportation operation the world has ever seen,” Homan told Fox News.

There have been over 2.48 million illegal border crossings this year alone and something tells me that those numbers are low and don’t really reflect the full nature of the problem.

Despite this, Mayorkas and other Biden officials claim that there is no crisis at the border, or that they’re handling it effectively.

Personally, I don’t believe this problem will be solved unless Trump is back in the White House. Here’s what Homan had to say:

“Texas installed a border fence to keep illegal migrants out. The federal government came and lifted it to allow hundreds of illegals to pour in. It’s not a crisis. It’s an invasion,” End Wokeness reported.

Fox News provided some of the illegal immigration figures:

There were 269,735 migrant encounters in September, of which 218,763 were encountered entering illegally by Border Patrol agents.

That brings the yearly total for migrants at the southern border for FY 23 to 2.48 million, higher than the 2.38 million in FY 22 and 1.73 million in FY 21. There were just 458,088 encounters in FY 2020.

Speaker Johnson proposed a solution to the ongoing crisis: “The border crisis is a direct result of failed policy decisions by the Biden Admin – not a lack of funding. HR 2 would: Finish the wall, end catch and release, end abuse of parole authority, reform the broken asylum system, restart Remain in Mexico.”

RNC Research exposed more of the Biden administration’s failures at the Southern Border: “The Biden administration has spent the past 30 months shamelessly lying about the border crisis they created — and it keeps getting worse while they keep doing nothing.”

In a related report, CNN featured this article:

President Joe Biden said Thursday that he doesn’t believe border walls work, even as his administration said it will waive 26 laws to build additional border barriers in the Rio Grande Valley amid heightened political pressure over migration.


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