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Trump Issues Statement After GOP Presidential Candidate Drops Out and Endorses Him

President Trump has issued a statement after Michigan Businessman Perry Johnson dropped out of the 2024 presidential race and pledged to endorse Trump.

Trump in a post on Truth Social wrote “Perry Johnson is a brilliant Businessman who has enjoyed great success. Above all, he loves our Country!”

Trump continued “After a valiant effort, he is now leaving the Race for President to do other things, which I have no doubt will be very successful. It is a great honor for me to have received his Full Endorsement.”

The 4th president eluded his message by writing “I will make Perry very proud of this decision, because we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Per the Hill:

Former Republican presidential candidate Perry Johnson on Monday endorsed former President Trump after suspending his White House bid last week.
The Michigan businessman, who mostly ran a self-funded campaign, said in a statement on X, the platform previously known as Twitter, that Trump is the only person in the race who can beat President Biden in the general election.

“After suspending my campaign for President on Friday, there is now only one candidate in this race who can provide a solution to our nation’s economic, foreign policy and social crises, and most importantly, beat Joe Biden at the ballot box,” Johnson wrote. “That person is Donald Trump.”
“I look forward to assisting in efforts to elect him next year and uniting with other conservatives to defeat Joe Biden in November,” Johnson added.
Johnson, who announced his candidacy in March, struggled to leave his mark in the national polling. He failed to make the cut in GOP debates and was unlikely to make the third one considering the heightened requirement for donors and polling averages.

Here’s what Mediate reported:

Former President Donald Trump showered Republican primary rival Perry Johnson with praise on Monday after Johnson dropped out of the race and endorsed Trump for president.

Johnson — who failed to meet the criteria to take part in the first and second Republican primary debates — suspended his campaign on Friday, before endorsing Trump in a statement on Monday.

“There is now only one candidate in this race who can provide a solution to our nation’s economic, foreign policy and social crises, and most importantly, beat Joe Biden at the ballot box,” wrote Johnson. “That person is Donald Trump.”

The old saying goes if you can’t beat them join them!


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