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New Report: Former NYC Mayor Intentionally HELD BACK The Cops During BLM Riots

As if the BLM riots of 2020 weren’t bad enough, we now know that our “leaders” actually made things worse.

A new report reveals that former NYC Mayor de Blasio allegedly “held back cops” during the BLM riots.

In other words, while the city was burning and violence was spiraling out of control, de Blasio reportedly kept the cops from doing their jobs.

No wonder so many people died.

No wonder billions of dollars in property damage was done.

No wonder people with common sense left the major blue cities!

Of course, given how biased the news media is, it’s unlikely that this story will ever make the cable news headlines.

And that’s why we’re here with all the details:


So why would de Blasio do such a thing?

It’s allegedly because he was afraid that footage of rioters clashing with the cops would embarrass him.

I don’t know about you, but I would be more embarrassed by the images of criminals running free and causing havoc throughout my city!

The New York Post has more details on this shocking revelation:

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide Melissa DeRosa has claimed that then-Mayor Bill de Blasio deliberately failed to deploy enough cops during the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests in New York City because he feared violent clashes between the NYPD and protesters would embarrass him.

Like many other issues, how to handle the protests that erupted over the police killing of George Floyd in Minnesota triggered disagreements between Cuomo and de Blasio, recounts DeRosa in her forthcoming memoir, “What’s Left Unsaid: My Life at the Center of Power, Politics & Crisis.”

“We learned that a high-ranking member of the police union had reached out directly to the governor that morning with disturbing information: he believed that de Blasio, fearful of more police clashes with protesters going viral on video, was purposefully not deploying additional bodies,” DeRosa writes, according to an excerpt obtained by The Post.

“As a result, knowing they were outnumbered, officers were unwilling to take on the looters.”

DeRosa recalled a conference call conversation Cuomo had with de Blasio and then-Police Commissioner Dermot Shea in which the top cop reported that he had “only 4,000 officers on duty,” outnumbered by 5,000 protesters.

Our civil servants our elected to serve us.

It’s their job to keep us safe.

So why was former Mayor de Blasio more worried about his image than the safety of the streets of NYC?

This kind of selfishness is proof that Democrat leaders are not to be trusted in positions of power.

This type of arrogance and greed is typical of politicians in DC.

Unfortunately, this behavior is unlikely to result in any consequences, especially since de Blasio is now the ex-mayor.

But maybe it will give voters a reason to re-think their voting habits.


If someone is too concerned about their own image rather than the safety of their constituents, then they should not hod political office.

The Daily Mail confirms:

Bill de Blasio deliberately did not deploy enough cops during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 amid fears any clashed would embarrass him, Andrew Cuomo’s former aide has claimed.

In her upcoming memoir, What’s Left Unsaid: My Life at the Center of Power, Politics & Crisis, Melissa DeRosa cited disagreements about the handling of protests that erupted in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

‘We learned that a high-ranking member of the police union had reached out directly to the governor that morning with disturbing information: he believed that de Blasio, fearful of more police clashes with protesters going viral on video, was purposefully not deploying additional bodies,’ DeRosa wrote.

‘As a result, knowing they were outnumbered, officers were unwilling to take on the looters.’

DeRosa recalled a conference call Cuomo had with de Blasio and then-Police Commissioner Dermot Shea in which the officer reported that he had ‘only 4,000 officers on duty’ – outnumbered by 5,000 protesters.

‘The governor’s eyes widened in disbelief at what, to him, amounted to a staggering admission of malpractice,’ DeRosa wrote.

‘Shea had just confirmed what the governor had been told and feared; the city had deliberately minimized deployment.’

De Blasio and Shea opted to increase the police presence to 8,000 and after some discussion, the governor and mayor agreed to impose a curfew.

‘In the city, de Blasio made clear that, despite the deteriorating situation, he neither needed nor wanted support from the state police or the National Guard.

‘The governor kept the channels of communication open, speaking directly with rank-and-file members of the NYPD and their union officials to get their perspective on what was going wrong,’ DeRosa wrote.

‘I told [de Blasio deputy mayor Emma Wolfe] that, based on conversations the governor was having with law enforcement on the ground, he believed strongly that the NYPD didn’t have enough police officers on the street.’

DeRosa claims de Blasio was influenced by the ‘far left,’ who argued for redirecting funding away from police in the wake of Floyd’s death, adopting the slogan of ‘defund the police.’


As we’ve always said here at WLT Report, the truth eventually comes out.

It might not be immediate.

It might take a while.

But eventually, the facts will make themselves known.

It was bad enough that there were so many willing BLM rioters.

But even worse that the city had the capability to stop it, but chose not to because of image.

So what do you think?


Do believe the behind-the-scenes accounts coming from this aide?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!


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