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PHOTO OPP DISASTER: White House Doxxes Secret US Special Forces Meeting Biden in Israel!

What a disaster…

The Biden White House accidentally doxxed members of the secretive U.S. Special Forces in Israel.

These are some of our best fighters.

They put their lives on the line for our country and our allies.

And their identities are supposed to be kept secret.

Yet, that didn’t stop the White House from publishing uncensored photos of the Special Forces.


Because Biden met them for a photo opp.


And the White House was apparently too excited to share the photo opp that they didn’t realize that they were doxxing our military members to our enemies in the Middle East.

Could the incompetence of the Biden regime get any worse?

Please note that the original photo that the White House posted was uncensored.

We will only be posting the censored photos for the safety for our heroes in uniform.

Can you imagine if President Trump did this?

Not only would President Trump never do this, but his leadership also resulted in a much safer world!

Fox News has more info on the doxxing:

The Biden administration admitted Thursday that should not have posted a picture showing the faces of members of an elite U.S. Army Special Forces unit on assignment in Israel when it posted a photo of them in uniform shaking hands with the president.

Apologizing for the mishap, a White House spokesperson told Fox News, “As soon as this was brought to our attention, we immediately deleted the photo. We regret the error and any issues this may have caused.”

The photo was posted on the White House’s Instagram account late Wednesday and included the faces of four special forces soldiers as they met Biden, who was on his high-profile trip to Israel at the time amid its ongoing war with Hamas.

Think of it this way:

If the Biden regime gets something as simple as a photo completely wrong, what else are they getting wrong?

This is such a simple mistake that it makes you wonder whether they’re capable to dealing with the multitude of crises unfolding around the globe.

The administration has apologized, sure… but the damage has been done.


Screenshots have been taken.

Our Commander in Chief has quite literally endangered the lives of our troops.

Is that how a Commander in Chief should behave?

Of course not!

The Daily Mail reports that the White House has accepted responsibility:

The White House has been forced to delete a photo of President Joe Biden meeting U.S. special forces in Israel – which showed their faces and could have revealed their identities.

It was already known that a small group of U.S. special forces are in Israel advising on how to potentially rescue scores of hostages, including Americans, held by terror group Hamas in Gaza.

The image of Biden shaking hands with them during his visit to Israel on Wednesday was published on the official White House Instagram page for hours and garnered thousands of likes and comments.

Everyday Pentagon practice is to hide the elite units’ identities, whether in training or on deployment.

The men, unshaven with beards, wore camouflage and had American flags on their arms as they shook hands with Biden.

It came during an event at which the president met with Israeli medics who had responded to the attack by Hamas on Oct. 7 which claimed the lives of hundreds of Jewish men, women and children.

The now deleted White House Instagram post read: ‘In Israel, President Biden met with first responders to thank them for their bravery and the work they’re doing in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks.’

The White House eventually apologized for the mistake in showing the special forces operators’ faces, and took the photo down.

If you read in-between the lines, it’s clear the White House didn’t realize they did anything wrong.

The only reason they took the photo down was because they were called out on it.

Does that build confidence in you?

No wonder Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to drop each and every day!

Let us know what you think about this debacle in the comments below.



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