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Biden’s New Democratic Challenger Was NOT Born In The United States

As WLT reported earlier, Cenk Uygur a popular progressive political commentator announced on Wednesday he is throwing his hat in the ring for the 2024 presidency.

Uyghur stated “Biden is not going to win…It should not have been me, it should have been somebody else, but unfortunately it was not anyone else. There’s only four months left.”

He continued “We must change course. He has at best a 10 percent chance of winning. I’m running as a proxy. I am running to win. But I am also running as a proxy for any other candidate.”

There’s a major problem though… Cenk Uyghur was not born in the United States and has proudly stated he was born in Istanbul, Turkey.

After being confronted about being born in Turkey, Uyghur explained ow the  “Constitution’s “Natural Born Citizen” clause will not prevent him in his effort, believing that he can win the battle in the Supreme Court.”

Look at the Community Note:

Here’s Uyger trying to use case law to defend his run:

Per The Hill:

The progressive media host has called for Biden to drop out of the race, stating repeatedly that democracy is on the line, referring to former President Trump’s 2024 run.
“We have got to get Biden out of the race,” Uygur said. “Thank you for winning in 2020. But if he loses this time around, it’s not just his problem, it’s all of our problems. I actually think democracy is on the line, and so if it takes me running, that’s what I’m gonna do.
Uygur has a big obstacle to overcome in his run for the White House.

Born in Istanbul, Turkey, Uygur immigrated to the U.S. at 8 years old. He believes that the Constitution’s “Natural Born Citizen” clause will not prevent him in his effort, believing that he can win the battle in the Supreme Court.

“I have lawyered up,” Uygur said. “I have the same lawyer [Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)] used in both of his presidential runs. And my guess is I’m going to have some strong allies in this. Arnold Schwarzenegger. I’m going to the Supreme Court. Either I’m going to win or I’m going to lose. Now this case is on our side. The precedent is definitely on our side. So, what are you going to do, brother?“

In his last congressional run in California’s 25th District, Uygur came up with 6.6 percent of the vote and finished fourth in the field of 12 candidates.

Per Axios:

Cenk Uygur, founder of the liberal progressive news outlet The Young Turks, announced Wednesday evening that he’s running for president as a Democrat in 2024 against President Biden.

The naturalized citizen who immigrated from Turkey to the U.S. in 1978 would be a long shot, but he said on his show that Biden would not win the election.

Istanbul-born Uygur believes the Constitution’s “natural born citizen” clause would enable him to become president, but that he may have to take his case to the U.S. Supreme Court to get there.

“It should not have been me, it should have been somebody else, but unfortunately it was not anyone else,” Uygur said.

“There’s only four months left. We must change course. He has at best a 10% chance of winning. I’m running as a proxy. I am running to win.”

Representatives for the White House did not immediately respond to Axios’ request for comment.


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