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JUST IN: Dan Crenshaw Intentionally Trips Reporter? (VIDEO)

Footage surfaced Wednesday of Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) appearing to trip a National File reporter.

Dan Crenshaw kicked a reporter named @NoelFritsch of @nationalfile while @HowleyReporter and I were questioning him for @NationalFile about his support for the war industry. Looks like someone needs to be expelled from Congress,” National File contributor Charles Downs wrote Wednesday.


Downs posted extended footage of what led to the incident.

“Check out the extended video, you can clearly see Dan Crenshaw threatening our publisher @noelfritsch as @howleyreporter and I asked him about how he is a warmonger and how Scalise does not have enough votes at this time for speaker. Clear as day!” he wrote.

Crenshaw called them “miscreants” and “bottom feeders.”


“Crenshaw is so unhinged. He has serious anger management issues. Remember when his knuckles were bloody during the Speaker vote in January because he got so angry with people who didn’t want to vote for @SpeakerMcCarthy, and decided to punch a table? Crenshaw is nuts. Totally unacceptable behavior from a U.S. Congressman,” said investigative reporter Laura Loomer.

Other social media users commented on the video:

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