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President Trump Lets Michael Cohen Off The Hook?

Is President Trump letting former lawyer Michael Cohen off the hook?

The 45th President reportedly dropped his $500 million lawsuit against the disgraced attorney on Thursday, according to a recent court filing.

Cohen and leftists are celebrating, but is their celebration too early?

President Trump has stressed that this is only a temporary measure and has vowed to take action against Cohen again when the time is right.

Here’s what is currently being reported on the Trump-Cohen lawsuit:


Left-wing outlet NBC News clarified: “Former President Donald Trump on Thursday unexpectedly dismissed a $500 million lawsuit against his former lawyer Michael Cohen, while vowing to revisit the suit at a later date.”

NBC News reports:

A spokesperson for Trump said in a statement Thursday that Trump would pursue the lawsuit after he “has prevailed in dealing with the witch hunts against him,” adding that Cohen “will be held accountable for his unlawful words and actions.”

New York Daily News confirmed: “A current lawyer for the former president filed the motion without prejudice, leaving the possibility open to file the suit again in the future.”

Guardian reporter Hugo Lowell presented Michael Cohen’s response to the lawsuit being dropped by former President Trump.

Politico provided background information on the lawsuit:

Trump filed the suit in April in federal court in South Florida, alleging that Cohen breached attorney-client privilege and a confidentiality agreement by making public allegations about Trump.

Cohen’s lead attorney, Danya Perry, filed a motion to dismiss the case in May.

However, it had not yet been ruled on. As a result, Trump can dismiss the case and reserve his right to re-file it.

However, if he does so, he’d again be subject to deposition.


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