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Ron DeSantis Weighs In On McCarthy Being Ousted

On Tuesday night the House voted 218-208 to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy from his House Speaker role.

Shortly after McCarthy was removed from being House Speaker Republican presidential candidate Governor Ron DeSantis weighed in on McCarthy being booted.

DeSantis stated “I opposed McCarthy when it wasn’t cool years ago.”

He continued “He’s really somebody that Donald Trump has backed and put into that position.”

The Hill had more to report:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) weighed in Tuesday on the speakership battle raging on Capitol Hill, noting he was against Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) “when it wasn’t cool” during his time as a congressman.

“I opposed McCarthy when it wasn’t cool years ago,” DeSantis told Scripps News. “He’s really somebody that Donald Trump has backed and put into that position.”

“And so I think that they’ve not delivered results,” he continued. “I think the contrast between Florida, us delivering results, and what you have in Washington is typically failure theater.”

DeSantis represented Florida in the House from 2013 to 2018 and was a founding member of the conservative Freedom Caucus.


Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is blasting Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy as McCarthy fights for his political career in Washington.

“I opposed McCarthy when it wasn’t cool years ago,” DeSantis told Scripps News Deputy Political Director Joe St. George Tuesday.

DeSantis placed blame on former President Donald Trump for putting McCarthy in the speaker’s office in the first place.


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