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RARE: Bill Clinton Speaks Out On Migrant Crisis

Even a broken clock is right twice a day…

Former President Bill Clinton in a recent radio interview shared that New York City’s ‘Right to Shelter Law” must be changed.

Clinton told radio host John Castimatidis “They come here, and we’re supposed to shelter people who can’t get work permits for six months. We need to change that.”

New York City’s Right to Shelter Law states the city “cannot legally turn away anyone seeking shelter.”

Per Fox News:

Former President Bill Clinton agreed with New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Saturday by arguing that New York City’s “Right to Shelter Law” must be changed.

“Gov. [Kathy] Hochul thinks it should be modified, and it probably should under the circumstances,” Clinton told radio host John Catsimatidis on 77 WABC radio’s “The Cats Roundtable” show, as flagged by the New York Post.

“It’s broken. We need to fix it,” Clinton said, adding that the law “doesn’t make any sense.”

The “Right to Shelter” has existed in New York Cityfor more than 40 years and requires sheltering for the homeless. New York is an asylum city.

“They come here, and we’re supposed to shelter people who can’t get work permits for six months. We need to change that,” he said, noting that migrants have a right to begin “paying their way” in American society.

“They ought to work,” Clinton said. “They need to begin working, paying taxes and paying their way. Most of these people have no interest in being on welfare.”

The former president said that America’s low birth rate requires that the economy be shored up by either “immigrants or machines.”

Check out what the New York Post reported:

Democratic former President Bill Clinton acknowledged Sunday that New York City’s progressive “Right to Shelter law” needs to be amended given the migrant crisis.

“Gov. [Kathy] Hochul thinks it should be modified, and it probably should under the circumstances,” Clinton told host John Catsimatidis on 77 WABC radio’s “The Cats Roundtable” show — adding that Democrats are taking a major hit over the crisis.

Big Apple Mayor Mayor Eric Adams and Hochul have argued that the Right to Shelter law was designed to address the local homeless problem — not the unrelenting massive waves of migrants flooding the city for months after crossing the southern border with Mexico.

The issue is currently in litigation, with advocates for the homeless and asylum seekers opposing any significant rollback of the law.


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