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President Trump Gets A Big SCOTUS Victory

President Trump is in New York City today for his Civil “fraud” Trial, and he looks more “pissed off” than I have ever seen him before.

Watch this:

This man is normally so composed, and he is literally seething!

As well he should be!

But as he sits in one fraudulent court, another Court just gave him a big win.

The U.S. Supreme Court has just rejected attempts to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot:


Even CNN covered it:

The Supreme Court said Monday that it will not take up a longshot challenge to Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for president because of his alleged role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.

The case was brought by John Anthony Castro, a little-known candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, who sued Trump earlier this year in an effort to disqualify him from running for president and holding the office “given his alleged provision of aid or comfort to the convicted criminals and insurrectionist that violently attacked our United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.”

The case was denied without any comment or recorded vote.

Castro’s case against Trump leans on a post-Civil War provision of the 14th Amendment that says any American official who takes an oath to uphold the US Constitution is disqualified from holding future office if they “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or have “given aid or comfort” to insurrectionists.

This case is separate from the other 14th Amendment challenges against Trump in Minnesota and Colorado, which are scheduled for trials later this year.

The Constitution doesn’t spell out how to enforce this ban, and it has been applied only twice since the late 1800s, when it was used extensively against former Confederates.

And from John Solomon’s JustTheNews:

Little-known Republican presidential candidate John Anthony Castro sued Trump earlier this year in an attempt to disqualify him from holding office over the Jan. 6 riot. The Supreme Court denied the case without comment.

Castro, who has not qualified for any of the GOP primary debates, said he still plans on exploring his other legal options.

“The Supreme Court can deny to hear the case but appellate courts cannot,” he wrote Monday on X, formerly Twitter, after the high court’s announcement. “I’m still pursuing decisions in the liberal appellate courts and there’s a full blown trial scheduled for October 20 in New Hampshire and a bench trial in Arizona on October 31.”


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