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VOTES ARE IN: House And Senate Votes On Government Spending Bill That Contains NO Funding Tom Ukraine

As WLT reported earlier, the House voted 335 to 91 on a new spending bill that averts the government shutdown.

Following the continue resolution (CR) getting passed in the House, the Senate cast votes just a few hours before the government shutdown deadline  was set to take place.

The Senate voted 88-9 in favor of the new spending bill that does not contain any funding to Ukraine.

Many Republicans who voted against the bill did so because the CR lacked funding to secure the southern border and continued reckless spending with no new budget cuts.

Per The Hill:

The House on Saturday approved a “clean” stopgap funding bill to avert a government shutdown, sending the legislation to the Senate for consideration hours before the midnight funding deadline.

The measure would keep the government funded at current spending levels through Nov. 17 and it includes $16 billion in disaster relief — matching the figure the White House included in a supplemental request. It does not include Ukraine aid or border policy changes.

The chamber cleared the stopgap bill in an overwhelmingly bipartisan 335-91 vote hours after Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) rolled out the proposal. One Democrat and 90 Republicans voted against the measure.

The plan marked a stark shift in his posture when it comes to government funding. And it could spell trouble for his Speakership as conservatives heighten their threats to confiscate his gavel.

But the decision is poised to prevent the government from falling off the shutdown cliff, which many lawmakers thought was inevitable after weeks of disagreements within the House GOP conference and between both chambers.

Here’s what The Post Millennial reported:

The House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution to keep the federal government open for another 45 days to give the two sides more time to come to a more long-term solution. The resolution passed 335-91 and now moves to the Senate for a vote.

According to NBC, the continuing resolution has billions of dollars for disaster aid but removed any new funding for the Ukraine war that the Democrats were pushing for.

The last-minute bill had some lawmakers complaining that they didn’t have enough time to read the bill before voting on it. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said in a speech on the floor, “We are on the brink of a government shutdown. And at the 11th hour legislation is dropped on the American people.”

“And we’re told that you have 5 or 10 minutes to evaluate legislation that is more than 70 pages long and expected to simply trust the word of our extreme MAGA Republican colleagues,” he added.


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