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JUST IN: Katie Hobbs Currently NOT Arizona Governor

This is a developing story.

As of this evening, Katie Hobbs is currently not Arizona’s governor.

Arizona Treasurer Kimberly Yee, a Republican, has stepped into the role as Acting Governor.

The reason is unknown.

Yee will serve as Acting Governor Wednesday evening until mid-morning Thursday.

“I have been notified that I will be serving as Acting Governor beginning later this evening until mid-morning tomorrow. While I am pleased to step into this role, I will refrain from naming directors to the 13 agencies that currently have vacancies and will not call the Arizona Legislature into session to confirm them,” Yee said in a released statement.

“That being said, I do hope when the Governor returns to Arizona, she will promptly name qualified directors to these important state agencies and remove the legal uncertainty that exists for all of the regulatory actions taken by the agencies. I expect to see a swift resolution to this matter, so we can get back to getting the work done for Arizona taxpayers. The people of Arizona deserve leaders who follow the rule of law,” she added.


“Interesting. We will say this: Any day where @katiehobbs isn’t in the @9thFloorAZ is a day where she’s not actively hurting the good people of Arizona,” Kari Lake War Room responded.

“Try to address the squatter problem while you’re there. It’s been a real issue for the last 10 months,” the page added.

Twitter users responded to the news of Katie Hobbs, at least temporarily, not being the state’s governor.

KGUN 9 noted:

Yee is fourth in line on the Arizona succession of gubernatorial power. After governor, the line of succession is secretary of state, attorney general and then state treasurer. The attorney general is out of state until Friday morning.

What exactly is going on in Arizona?


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