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Google Posts Disturbing, Orwellian Message To Users’ Accounts

At present, big tech represents one of the biggest threats to human liberty and flourishing.

The state and the big tech sector—comprised exclusively of far-left radicals are each bad enough on their own—they represent the #1 and #2 threats to humanity, respectively.

These two amorphous entities working together may prove to be apocalyptic and could potentially spell the end of the world for humanity.

As the military-industrial state continues to goad on a nuclear exchange between the U.S. and Russia, while continuing to provide cover for the NATO-led proxy war in Ukraine, big tech is acting as a mouthpiece for the pro-war regime.

Google has been posting ominous warnings directly to the accounts of Adsense users—Google’s platform for displaying ads and disseminating revenue to content creators hosting the ads.

Influencer Viva Frei presented the shocking online warning posted to Adsense accounts: “Due to the war in Ukraine, we will pause monetization of content that exploits, dismisses, or condones the war.”

Such policies are nothing new as reported by Rich Baris: “If you tell viewers/readers the TRUTH about Ukraine, which is that they’ve been committing horrible war crimes for nearly a decade, you are punished. This is a gross incentive for propaganda.”

According to The Search Engine Journal:

Participation in the AdSense program means that the publisher agrees to abide by the policies set out by the program.

Publishers that feature user generated content, such as in comments or in online forums, should be especially aware of this new policy.

Publishers who insist on hosting content that violates Google’s policy would need to remove Google AdSense from pages that host the kind of content that violates the AdSense policy.

Numerous individuals decried the obvious assault on freedom of speech and big tech’s role as serving as a mouthpiece for the national surveillance, military-industrial state.

Previously, Russia sued Google for the exact same thing, TechCrunch reports:

Russia fined Google 21.1 billion rubles ($374 million) on Monday for repeatedly failing to “remove prohibited information” — content related to the country’s invasion and subsequent war in Ukraine.

The country’s telecommunication watchdog Roskomnadzor cited a court order and said Google (particularly YouTube) didn’t take down content that discredited “the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”


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