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Illegal Invasion: Thousands of Migrants Pour Into Texas Monday Morning

Sunday, Fox News caught wind of a Mexican train heading towards the U.S. southern border full of migrants.

Check the video out here:


Reports show 2,200 migrants crossed into Eagle Pass, Texas, Sunday night.

Let that sink in.

Two thousand two hundred illegal immigrants enter a single town on a night.

This is an invasion.

Fox News has more on the story:

More than 2,200 migrants were captured on video heading toward Eagle Pass, Texas, overnight in one of the largest border crossings observed by Fox News in the past two years.

Border Patrol sources told Fox News that more than 2,200 people crossed illegally since midnight.

Sources provided cellphone video recorded in Piedras Negras, the Mexican city across from Eagle Pass, showing a stampede of migrants rushing to the river’s edge overnight and crossing in a lengthy line in the river from shore to shore. The mass crossing happened right next to the port of entry in Eagle Pass, which is the legal way to cross.

Fox News’ drone team shot additional video on the U.S. side early Monday morning, showing the large group of migrants being processed by U.S. Border Patrol.

Democrats must think that money grows on trees.

Who do they think is paying for all these immigrants?

You and me, that is who.

Our taxpayer money is going to support hordes of illegal immigrants.

Check out what NBC has to say:

The number of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has risen steadily since the start of September, according to two Department of Homeland Security officials, with Border Patrol apprehending more than 7,500 migrants on Sunday alone.

In July, the latest month for which official data is available, the number of daily apprehensions of illegal border crossers averaged just over 4,300.

The rise in migrants may indicate that new policies put in place by the Biden administration in May, which initially kept numbers low, may now be having less of an impact.

The new policies make it harder for migrants to seek asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border and easier for them to seek lawful entry to the U.S. from their home countries, a new strategy the Biden administration enacted after Covid-19 border policies expired in mid-May. Before the policy change, daily apprehensions of illegally border crossers had reached a record high of more than 10,000.

The Biden administration has failed miserably when it comes to border patrol.

With an already dwindling middle class in America.

Don’t be surprised when it shrinks even smaller as cheap migrant labor pours into the country

We need to protect our jobs and our way of life.

This invasion needs to end.


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