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‘There Is No’ Climate Emergency, Scientists Say

The next left-wing narrative to bite the dust?

More than 1,600 scientists signed a recent declaration exclaiming that ‘there is no’ climate emergency—it’s a hoax perpetrated by politicians to push agendas, the scientists say.

According to the declaration, the scientists wish that public-facing institutions and climate activists would not use overblown predictions and doomsday scenarios to needlessly frighten the public.

They go on to note that any, and all, policies related to climate science should be purely that—scientific and not political.

CO2 Coalition presented this interview and said: “Larry Kudlow tells it like it is, CO2 Coalition Director and Nobel Laureate John Clauser is speaking truth…There is NO climate emergency!”

Writer and physician Meryl Nass provided her perspective: “Climate change will be the next false narrative to fall. The climate changes constantly, but there is no emergency. In fact, we are in a stable or cooling phase now. But the way temperatures are being measured has changed to make it appear hotter.”

The Epoch Times dissected the recent declaration:

The declaration’s signatories include Nobel laureates, theoretical physicists, meteorologists, professors, and environmental scientists worldwide.

And when a select few were asked by The Epoch Times why they signed the declaration stating that the “climate emergency” is a farce, they all stated a variation of “because it’s true.”

“I signed the declaration because I believe the climate is no longer studied scientifically.

Rather, it has become an item of faith,” Haym Benaroya, a distinguished professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Rutgers University, told The Epoch Times.

“The earth has warmed about 2 degrees F since the end of the Little Ice Age around 1850, but that hardly constitutes an emergency—or even a crisis—since the planet has been warmer yet over the last few millennia,” Ralph Alexander, a retired physicist and author of the website “Science Under Attack,” told The Epoch Times.

Retired engineer and lecturer Adnan Al-Daini likewise called out the climate ‘cult’: “Every catastrophic prediction of the climate computer modeling has been grossly wrong. Yet the climate alarmists carry on ignoring the empirical data that clearly show they are wrong. This is not science, it is a cult.”

Despite this, climate activists continue to push on and claim: “We’re in code red for humanity. There is no time to wait. Biden, which side are you on?”

Real Clear Investigations had more on the report:

These dissenters don’t all agree on all scientific questions and do not speak in a single voice.

Clauser, for example, is a self-styled “climate denialist” who believes climate is regulated by clouds, while Pielke, a political scientist at the University of Colorado in Boulder, and Bjørn Lomborg, the former director of the Danish Environmental Assessment Institute, acknowledge humans are affecting the climate but say there is sufficient time to adapt.

The dissenters do, however, agree that the public and government officials are getting a one-sided, apocalyptic account that stokes fear, politicizes science, misuses climate modeling, and shuts down debate.



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