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Tyrannical New Mexico Governor Implies She is Above the Law

Michelle Lujan Grisham, the governor of New Mexico, is still openly defiant of those claiming that her suspension of the Second Amendment in Albuquerque is unconstitutional.

After creating the “emergency order” to suspend open and concealed carry for 30 days, she received immediate pushback from the citizens, the sheriff, and even the Attorney General.

The latter two said that they would not enforce her unconstitutional order.

Now Grisham is hitting back by implying that she’s above the law.

“It’s not for police to tell me what’s constitutional or not,” claimed Grisham in a recent interview after being asked why she instituted the order.

Bold words from someone who is already breaking the law as far as many are concerned.

Grisham also refused to speak to the sheriff’s concerns about moving the focus away from actual crimes.

Fox News has more from the defiant New Mexico governor:

Harlow’s segment with Lujan Grisham began with the host mentioning people’s belief that the governor’s decision is “unconstitutional.”

“Why do it if it can’t be enforced?” Harlow asked.

“Well, that’s their opinion,” Lujan Grisham said. “They have no bold actions. They don’t have any plans for reducing gun violence, every single aspect in terms of preventing gun violence – funds, crime labs, more than $150 million for retention bonuses and recruitment of police officers.”

She added, “I’m focused on one thing: we have the third-highest gun-related injuries in the country, 90 percent higher than the national average. We lost 143 children between 2017 and 2021. It is unacceptable, and it calls for immediate and swift and bold action. And frankly the evidence bears out over and over again, fewer guns on the streets makes everyone safer.”

It seems Grisham truly thinks of herself as above the law.




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