Have you seen this before?
One of the biggest pieces of the 9/11 puzzle that never made sense was Building 7.
Building 7 redpilled a lot of people.
Building 7 was NOT hit by a plane.
It was also not next to the Twin Towers.
Understand where Building 7 was:
So Building 7 is not hit by a plane and yet it falls later in the day just like the Twin Towers.
Set aside the debate about whether an airplane can cause Buildings 1 and 2 to collapse at free-fall speed, how exactly did they take down Building 7 a few blocks away?
That must be a pretty powerful plane!
But that’s not all.
Listen to this clip from Larry Silverstein where he talks about making the decision to “pull it”:
Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Center, admitting that Building 7 was a controlled demolition.
"We made the decision to pull it" pic.twitter.com/HMznN0hgUL
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) September 11, 2023
Understand what “pull it” means…
Anyone watching that clip understands intuitively that “pull it” means to demo the building.
But when they later understood just how troublesome this clip was, they changed their tune and said no, no, “pull it” means pull the fire-fighters out of the building.
You decide:
Who remembers Larry Silverstein talking about building 7 where he said he got a call from the fire department commander saying they weren't sure they would be able to contain the fire, so Larry said "pull it".
The State Department addressed these claims and said it was in the… pic.twitter.com/n9eCRw8tuK
— Inversionism (@Inversionism) September 11, 2023
Now here’s the piece that really destroys their story.
That building falls at near free-fall speed later in the day, just as Buildings 1 and 2 did earlier that morning.
Most people come to the only conclusion a reasonable person could come to….
Simply put?
Building 7 had already been wired up for a controlled demo prior to 9/11:
Building 7 owner, Larry Silverstein, on camera, saying that he and the fire chief made the decision to "pull" the bldg
It's estimated that a bldg the size of 7 would take a week to prep for controlled demo
Obviously, Bldg 7 was ALREADY prep'd for demo on 9/11
Why?#insidejob pic.twitter.com/ztJ6opBTsh
— Apex Jones (@ApexJones22) September 11, 2023
Is there some other explanation?
Do you see it a different way?
Still BeLIEve The Official 9/11 Story? You Won’t After Seeing This!
You don’t simply “get over” or “move on” from 9/11.
Especially when everything they’ve ever told you about it is a lie.
Don’t believe me?
Keep reading…
Because we will continue to investigate and report on the truth.
Shall we talk Building 7?
How it came down at free-fall speed, even though it was never hit by anything?
We won’t even get into that right now.
For now, I just want to cover the alleged video evidence of the crash and ask you to please compare the two videos that are shown in this clip.
Watch here on Rumble:
Backup here if that link doesn’t work:
Don’t trust your lying eyes folks!
If we rolled out Dan Rather to that gymnasium and he told you a whale really did pop up out of the floor and splash everyone in the gym, half of you would beLIEve it.
Don’t be deceived.
Also, remember this?
Or how about this one?
Time to wake up folks...
Spread the word!
Now I leave you with this...
This is the "official story" they want you to believe.
You tell me, which is more insane....believing this story or questioning it?
Backup here on Rumble:
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