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I’m Re-Opening My “Call For Workers” — Two Days Only

I wasn’t sure if I would ever open this up again, but I’m opening it back up possibly for the last time ever.

Let me give you the short history here and bring you up to speed.

In February, I launched my new Mission that I’ve talked about several times since.

Our Mission is to help build out the Parallel Economy and take business AWAY from the Big Box stores that don’t like you in the first place!

Healthier products…

American made, manufactured and shipped…

Privately owned by an America-First family for 38 years, not owned by BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street…

It’s been an incredible Movement and we’ve already touched over 100,000 people just since February!

The only way we’ve been able to do that is by recruiting a team of Workers who work right alongside me on this mission.

Some part time, some full time, it’s very flexible and merit based — and yes, it’s a paid gig with some people making some REALLY great money!

We’re changing lives all over the place, but I specifically want to share the story of Mike F. who joined my team of 200 a few months ago…

He went from literally not having a cell phone or a bank account to doing some pretty incredible things in just a couple months.

You can watch my short interview with Mike right here:

And Mike’s story is not unique…

I asked the rest of my team to share their experiences so far if they wanted to and I want to share some of those with you.

I’m withholding their names for privacy purposes but they’ve all given me permission to share these with you.

Read this first one and try to not let a tear come to your eye as you realize in her own words: “I did not have a Plan B…”

Read here:

I got that message a few weeks ago but it still pumps me up reading it here again!

And that’s not the only one.

They come in all the time, people so grateful for the opportunity to live THEIR purpose and join our Mission!

Making money and having fun doing it all at the same time.

I’ve redacted some personal information, but check out three messages I just received recently from some good friends in the Inner Circle:

Stuff like this comes in all the time and it pumps me up so much!

Not only is our Mission changing lives but the people working with me in the Inner Circle are having THEIR lives changed right along with it.

This is NOT for everyone, but it might be for you…

….if you’re a high performer…

….if you want to earn a supplemental income working with me…

….and most importantly if you’re a NICE person…..

….if your heart is beating fast right now knowing that everything I’ve typed above is like it’s speaking DIRECTLY to you.

If that’s you, you need to join me on Tuesday night.

I’m opening this up one time only and if you miss it, well you might miss it permanently.

The last time I opened this up for new Workers was a couple months ago and I’m not sure I’ll do it again after this.

200 people is a lot and we need a few more, but not a ton more.

NOTE: this is not a handout….

It’s not charity…

It’s a “Call for Workers” because that’s what I’m looking for, people who are self-starters, people who want to work hard, people who are rockstars but just need an opportunity to prove themselves…

New (one time) Zoom Call will be this coming Tuesday, September 12 at 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central — Zoom link here to sign up:

I believe we will have a 300 person limit on the Zoom, so it will be first-come, first-served.

Don’t miss out if you think this might be a fit for you.

I can’t guarantee we will do another one of these.

We might, but there is no guarantee.

At some point, the Inner Circle will be full and closed and we’ll be running at optimum condition.

Make sure you get yourself a seat on the bus before that happens.

Ultimately, I’m still looking for maybe 10-20 MORE rockstars…

Not everyone will be accepted, but if you’re a rockstar who wants to totally knock this out of the park…

….if you’re a high performer…

….if you want to earn a supplemental income working with me…

….and most importantly if you’re a NICE person…..

….then I want to see you on this Zoom call this coming Tuesday.

It’s this coming Tuesday, September 12 at 8:00pm Eastern / 7:00pm Central time.

It’s free, but you must register in advance.

Register here:

Yes, it’s paid (with opportunity to do really well)…

All training is included to make it really easy…

Here’s are more details:

So…who is a good fit?

To paraphrase the legendary Jeff Foxworthy….”you may be qualified if….” 👇

Sign up for the September 12th Zoom Call here 👉

I’ll see you there!

Oh, and show up early!

If we hit the limit on the Zoom, only the first people in the door will be admitted.

The last couple times we’ve had people who couldn’t get in because the Zoom room was full. 🙌


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