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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. About to Run As Independent?

In an interview with “Forbes Newsroom,” Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke about the Democrat National Committee and the 2024 Democrat Primary process.

RFK Jr. discussed the latest dirty tricks the DNC is attempting to rig the primary against him.

The presidential candidate said he may have to look at “other alternatives,” hinting he’s considering running as an Independent candidate.

“It’s pretty clear that the DNC does not want a primary. I don’t want to say that they want a coronation but that’s I think that’s a fair way to put it actually. Essentially they are fixing up the process,” RFK Jr. said.

“They’re effectively disenfranchising the Democratic voters from having any choice in who becomes president, the Democrat nominee. So two of the things they’ve done today is they’ve moved the Iowa primary, they made rules that if anybody campaigns in Iowa, or any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or sets foot in the state of New Hampshire, then none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied,” he continued.

“In other words any delegate that I win in New Hampshire or Iowa would go instead to the president. Now they’re trying to change it so that if I campaign in New Hampshire that none of the votes cast for me in Georgia will count. That’s significant because it’s hard to win the nomination without Georgia,” he added.

“They are rigging it so that you know effectively, we are looking at the tabulations now that look like if you add up all the super delegates that they control and all the automatic delegates that just go to the party and go to the president, I would have to win almost 80 percent of all of the states in order to beat President Biden even if he only wins 20 percent,” he continued.

Diane Brady, Forbes Assistant Managing Editor, asked RFK Jr. what’s his strategy in light of the DNC’s latest tricks.


“If the DNC is going to make it, it’s going to rig it so that it is simply impossible for anybody to challenge President Biden, you know I need to look at other alternatives. Because I can’t go back to the people who support me and to my donors and say you know I’m in this to make a point. I need to show them a road to victory,” he explained.

“What kind of alternatives would you be exploring Mr. Kennedy,” Brady asked.

“I want to see what the DNC does. I want to see if they make it a fair contest. I’m not asking to make it a hundred percent fair, I’m asking that there at least be you know a chance that it’d be plausible for somebody else to win other than their you know chosen elected candidate,” he answered.


Social media users expressed their thoughts on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running for president as an Independent candidate.

Watch the full RFK Jr. interview with “Forbes Newsroom” below:


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