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Did Biden Just Say He Was Homeless?

Joe Biden made some interesting comments to say about his current housing situation.

While visiting Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Biden told a group of reporters that he had “no home to go to.”

A reporter then followed up Biden’s comments by asking “Are you homeless?”

Biden  responded by saying  “U.S. Secret Service has been working on his longtime primary residence in Wilmington, Delaware, to make it more secure “in a good way.”

Watch the moment he said it here:

Per Fox News:

President Biden said Sunday during his visit to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, that he was not on vacation and has no home to go to for the time being.

Biden approached reporters after leaving Mass at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church and, unprompted, revealed his weekend trip was not for vacation purposes, according to The Associated Press. The president, who has two homes in Delaware, lives at the White House but spends most of his weekends in the First State.

“I have no home to go to,” Biden told the reporters.

The president said the U.S. Secret Service has been working on his longtime primary residence in Wilmington, Delaware, to make it more secure “in a good way.” He has not spent a night in Wilmington in months.

Per ABC News:

There may be no place like home but President Joe Biden says he cannot go to his.

Unprompted, Biden approached reporters Sunday in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, after he went to Mass at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church to say he was not on vacation.

“I have no home to go to,” said Biden, who lives at the White House on weekdays and spends most weekends in Delaware, where he has two homes.

The U.S. Secret Service has been doing work on his longtime primary residence in Wilmington, Delaware, to make it more secure “in a good way,” he said.

It has been at least a few months since he last spent a night there.

This all reminds me of another “Did Biden Just Say…” story.

Remember this one?

Did he really say this?

BIDEN FLASHBACK: “My Butt’s Been Wiped!”

Editor’s Note: I am re-running this story in honor of Patrick Bet-David and his podcast this morning with Alex Jones where they brought up this clip.  Let’s all relive it together.  Solid gold.  And great interview PBD, nicely done.  

It’s no secret that Joe Biden had a terrible, very bad, no good week.

First, his CNN town hall was a complete flop, both in terms of his performance and the ratings.

Next, a former White House doctor went public.

He predicted that Biden will be forcibly removed from office through the 25th Amendment.


Biden’s week ended even worse.

You see, Biden just arrived back at the White House.

But before he went inside, he talked briefly with the press corps.

And he appeared to say:

My butt’s been wiped!

The video is just now beginning to go viral on social media.

And nearly everyone here’s the same thing:

That Biden’s admitting that his butt has been wiped…

But by whom?

So what do you hear?

Listen to the clip below:

If you want to see the whole video…

Well, we’ll post it for you below.

To be clear: it does not make things any better.

In other words, while we’re isolating this specific clip, we’re not taking it out of context.

It makes the most sense that he’s actually talking about his butt being wiped.

Biden landed approximately around 2:50.

Within the hour, the video began gaining attention on social media.

Twitchy confirms:

President Joe Biden took one question from reporters when he returned to the White House this afternoon after *another* weekend in Delaware but we have no idea WTF he said at the start of the exchange.

It’s a mystery!

Or maybe it was, “my butt’s been wiped”?:

And remember when then-President Trump walked down a ramp slowly and it was a multi-day story?

Below, we’ll explain why this is so important.

This isn’t gossip.

This isn’t to make fun of an old man (that’s mean and wrong).

This is because it could concern the security of our country.

So why is this important?

If Biden is truly saying, “My butt’s been wiped,” then that would appear to suggest that he cannot handle going to the bathroom.

This would be the biggest indicator yet that Biden is truly suffering cognitive decline.

How would this be proof?

Well, loss of bowel control and the need to wear diapers is normal among people with cognitive decline, according to Aging Care:

Incontinence is a condition that is often difficult for a person to accept and deal with. Many seniors try to ignore this new development and carry on with their lives, but a head-in-the-sand approach usually draws more attention to the problem. There are ways to encourage a loved one to address this issue, but they require patience, understanding and a commitment to upholding your loved one’s dignity.

“My parent won’t wear adult diapers and it drives me nuts!”

This is a common complaint from family caregivers whose loved ones are suffering from incontinence, and I absolutely sympathize. However, one glaring piece of this sentence stands out to me: the word “diaper.”


If denial, obliviousness and depression aren’t factors in your loved one’s refusal to partake in continence care, a dementia screening might be the next step. It doesn’t matter who tries to reason with them or how they go about it. If cognitive decline is a factor, a senior may no longer be capable of making sound decisions about wearing incontinence products, changing their clothing or other important self-care tasks. Make a doctor’s appointment for a full evaluation whenever new or worsening memory issues or signs of dementia appear. Early diagnosis is crucial for adequate planning and care.

Are social media users right?

Or is Biden saying something else?

Let us know what you hear in the comments below!

Second Camera Angle

Yesterday we brought you the funny but truly troubling video of the Pretender-In-Chief walking up to a group of reporters and looking like the “senile old guy” right out of central casting and then he shouts out: “My butt’s been wiped!”

Yes folks, this is how bad it’s become in Bidan’s America.

I started this website to make a difference in the world and to cover real news events and here I am reporting on a senile old man randomly screaming out “My butt’s been wiped!”

I joke, but it’s actually a big story.

And now we have a second angle of video and a longer cut.

So to everyone who wrote me yesterday saying it must be edited, or that it was sped up or slowed down to distort what he was saying…..sorry folks, he it’s real.

And he truly is that senile.

Watch three different cuts right here, I’ve uploaded the video to Rumble:


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