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Top Democrat Strategist: “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This With Donald Trump”

A broken clock is right twice a day, and the Bible says that out of the heart the mouth speaks.

Put those two together and you might just get Donna Brazille admitting live on ABC News that she’s never seen anything like the phenomenon that is Donald John Trump.

Way to go Donna, you got one right!

Almost as if the mighty Right Hand of God is upon him, isn’t it?

Watch the admission here:

This is just the latest in a string of countless events that have led me to keep saying this feels like 2015/2016 all over again….

PBD Agrees With me: It Feels Like 2016 All Over Again!

For the last couple of months, I’ve been saying that it suddenly feels like 2016 all over again.


Hard to explain it, but the “vibe” right now feels very 2016.

I’ll explain more below, but basically in 2016 what was happening?

Trump was untouchable.

He was teflon.

Each attack bounced off him and only made him stronger.

That exact same thing is playing out again right now.

In 2020, it wasn’t like that.

Everything felt “off”.

Whether that was an intentional play by the Trump Team to let this “movie” play out remains to be seen.

But everything about 2020 was wrong.

Not so in 2016.

In 2016, Trump defied all “experts”.

And that same script is playing out right now in 2023 as we repeat the 2015-2106 cycle.

But I’m not the only one to notice it.

My friend Patrick Bet-David just posted this:

Exactly right PBD!


You get it!

Hey by the way, when are you coming on my show?

We have to rap!  So much we can cover, it would be a true honor to have you on.

Ok, now back to more about what I mean when I say it feels like 2016 all over again….

Start here:

President Trump: Dream BOLD Again!

Sometimes it’s important to pause and refuel the batteries.

The Nation is in a bad place right now…

We’re engaged in battles on nearly every front.

President Trump is facing an unknown number of sham indictments.

Biden has sold out our Country to the highest bidder (literally).


And yet….

There is reason to dream big.

To dream bold!

To be optimistic!

And there’s no one better to deliver that message that Donald John Trump himself.

Folks, I keep saying this looks and feels like 2015 all over again to me.

I can’t explain it other than to say that.

Can you feel it?

It feels like we’ve just taken that escalator ride down Trump Tower and now we’re picking off 17 Republican challengers on our way to a historic and unprecedented White House victory.

So while we’re fighting battles on all fronts, I also can’t help but be incredibly excited for our future and for the historic counter-punch that is about to go down in history.

Please enjoy this one saved safely here on Rumble:


Then read this:

DIVINE BOOMERANG: Deep Stater Jack Smith Just Bit Off More Than He Can Chew!

I keep saying it feels like 2015 all over again!

I started saying that about 3-4 months ago and it’s become more and more true ever since.

Can you feel it?

Have you noticed?

What exactly do I mean by that?

What I mean is in 2015 everything just kept aligning.


Every attack against Trump would fall off him like Teflon but then boomerang back around to take down the person who launched it.

In fact, it became so obvious and so fascinating that we nicknamed it the “Trump Boomerang Effect”.

In 2019/2020, everything felt “off”.

Things were not right.

Whether that was all “part of the plan” and “part of the script” or not remains to be seen, but nothing felt right at that time, leading to the incredibly fake and wrong stolen election.

But this time around in 2023 as we head into 2024?

It just feels like 2015 to me all over again!

So much so that the Trump Boomerang Effect has returned!

Now many are calling it the “Divine Boomerang”…..

I like that name!

Here’s the deal…

By filing this latest indictment, Jack Smith and his cronies just made a fatal mistake.

They opened up a venue for President Trump and his team to now have full subpoena power and to now litigate the 2020 election!

You want to see the evidence presented meticulously piece by piece?

Now that can happen and Mike Pence and CONgress can’t do a damn thing about it!

Divine indeed:

Kash weighed in too….

Look how excited he is!

Like a kid in a candy store!

Kash even using the term “boomerang”!

I told you, we are reliving 2015 right now, and the beautiful thing is you know how this story ends!

Get that popcorn ready, you’re gonna LOVE the end of this movie!

Then read this:

Melania Trump Steps Out In Stunning New Look

It really feels like 2015 all over again to me…

I can’t fully explain it, but the vibe is the same.

The vibe in 2019/2020 was off.

Everything was off.

But it feels like a carbon copy of the cycle we went through in 2015/2016 is repeating itself right now.

Right down to Melania Trump stepping back into the spotlight and catching attention for her classy and glamorous fashion!

Check this out:

Really reminds you how far we’ve fallen, doesn’t it?

Remember when we had a beautiful, smart and classy First Lady?

We will again.

From dressy to casual, Melania never disappoints:

Miss her!

Bring her back!

Here’s a short but wonderful walk down memory lane of all the wonderful things Melania did as First Lady.

Steady as she goes:

100% America’s Best First Lady!

And in contrast, well….


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