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Americans At Increasing Risk As Biden Depletes Ammunition Stockpile

If the title of this article startled or scared you, then you’re not alone. It’s chilling what goes on in Washington, D.C., everyday.

First the news.

Yes, it’s true that Joe Biden has agreed to send another $250 million in weapons and support to Ukraine.

But there is a twist to this story.

Not only are we spending too much money on the Ukraine border war.

We are actually putting America’s national security on the line.

In short, we’ve run out of the munitions we allocated for Ukraine.


Now, we are tapping our strategic stockpile of weapons to send to Ukraine.

Breitbart reports:

The Biden administration announced Tuesday it will dig into existing stockpiles to enable an additional $250 million in weapons and ammunition to be sent to Ukraine as part of its ongoing support of Kyiv.

AP reports the drawdown from Pentagon inventories will include mine-clearing equipment, artillery and rocket rounds, ambulances and medical gear, among other items and spare parts, according to the State Department.

“The U.S. will continue to work with its allies and partners to provide Ukraine with the capabilities to meet its immediate battlefield needs and longer-term security assistance requirements,” deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters Tuesday during a press conference.

It doesn’t surprise us that Ukraine’s Zelensky immediately tweeted his thanks to Biden, Congress and oh yeah, the American taxpayer for putting Ukraine’s safety first.

It’s scary to know that the Biden regime and the “rich men north of Richmond” want to protect Ukrainians more than they want to protect Americans.

In fact, it wasn’t too long ago in mid July that Biden told us that the United States is running low on ammunition for Ukraine.

But not a worry for Ukraine!

Biden and company are happy to risk Americans’ safety by pulling munitions from our stockpiles to give to Ukraine.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what we are giving to Ukraine from our own reserves.

With a must-watch bonus video about what the Biden admin is doing for the American people at the very same time they are fighting to protect Ukrainians.

(Hint: nothing!)

In case you’ve lost count of the amount we’ve already spent on Ukraine, The Gateway Pundit reports:

The incessant flow of U.S. military aid to Ukraine has raised serious questions about the U.S.’ role and objectives in the conflict. With over $75 billion already invested, the American taxpayer is left to wonder what the endgame truly is for such an unprecedented and mounting financial commitment.

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, the United States has provided Ukraine with more than $75 billion in assistance since the war began, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support.

It seems there’s no end in sight for the American taxpayer.

The money printing machine in D.C. is working at full capacity to help fund Ukraine’s border war with Russia.

The money is certainly not being invested in American cities – see video above or simply walk down the street in any large city.


We hope the ammunition and weapon factories in America are also working at top speed.

Our national security depends on it.


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