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TRUMP 2.0 — MAGA Has No Color!

I love this so much!

As much as they try to divide us, we have WAY MORE in common than we have differences.

In fact, without the “Professional Dividers” at work, I’d dare say this country is deeply unified!

Sure there will always be some nutcases here and there in any group, but that’s the exception not the norm.

I believe the videos I’m about to show you are the true picture of America right now.

“Trump 2.0” is going viral online and for good reason.

MAGA has no color.

MAGA has no lines of division.


MAGA crosses the lines they use to try and divide us and brings us all together as ONE NATION (under God by the way).

Please enjoy these awesome videos and keep in mind the TRUTH about America right now….

The truth is what you’re about to see, not what the MSM tries to brainwash you with:

Love this guy:


They’re putting his “Mug Shot” on murals in Atlanta:

You see division?

I see unity.

Black Voices For Trump!

These all remind me of this one…

Remember this?

JAYWALKING: “Do you think the 2020 election was rigged…”

Remember “Jay-Walking”?


When Jay Leno would go out on the streets of Burbank and ask people what they thought about different things?

Of course Jay always made it funny…

And he ran into some people who may have been, let’s just say, below average intelligence…

But they were always hilarious and always told you a lot.

I have a new video that reminds me a lot of that.

It’s short but worth the watch.

Want to know what REAL Americans think about Joe Biden and the 2020 (S)Election?

Even from allegedly blue-state California?

Then watch this…

From Rumble:


What about you…


More here:

Trump or Biden? This May Surprise You…

A new series is going viral online…

If you remember Jay Leno’s “Jaywalking” series where he would go out on the street and ask people questions, that’s what this reminds me of.

Except it’s just one question: Trump or Biden.

You gotta love the reactions of people.

And the results may surprise you, at least if you believe the lies the MSM is always telling you.

But if you believe the truth WE are always showing you, you may not be surprised at all.

You’ll enjoy this either way, take a look:

More here:

And here:

And here:

It actually might not surprise you at all if you’ve been paying attention…

Crowd size never lies:



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