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12-Year-Old Allegedly Removed From Class For Gadsden Flag Patch

A 12-year-old boy named Jaiden was allegedly kicked out of class in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for having a Gadsden flag patch on his bookbag.

According to Tuttle Twins author Connor Boyack, the school claimed the Gadsden patch has “origins with slavery.”

“The school’s director said via email that the patch was ‘disruptive to the classroom environment,'” Boyack said.


“They cited @USEEOC, which admitted that the flag ‘originated in the Revolutionary War in a non-racial context’…But then said ‘However, whatever the historic origins and meaning of the symbol, it also has since been sometimes interpreted to convey racially-tinged messages…,'” Boyack explained.

The director then argued that the flag is associated with ‘hate groups,’ linking to this weak article that cites a ‘graphic design scholar’ who claimed that ‘some may now see the Gadsden flag as a symbol of intolerance and hate—or even racism.'”


*Image from Connor Boyack X Post*


*Image from Connor Boyack X Post*

As you can hear his mom say in the video, Jaiden wanted to stand up for his (non-racist!) beliefs. So after he was kicked out of class, he asked his mom to take him to the news station to get the word out. (He got the idea from a @tuttletwins book) They declined an interview,” Boyack said.

“So what rule was he actually breaking? According to the director, this one (see highlight). Though it’s unclear what alleged slavery connections have to do with drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons,” he noted.


*Image from Connor Boyack X Post*


*Image from Connor Boyack X Post*

Boyack noted the name of the school, the school’s district, and the school’s director in the thread.

Unreal. @HarrisonSD2, why did you kick a kid out of class for wearing a freedom flag? Why weren’t other kids kicked out for wearing other types of flags?” Libs of TikTok asked.

“Ironically The Gadsden flag was a Revolutionary warning to the British that the colonists would defend themselves from any royal attempt to coerce them or abuse of their liberties This is the absolute state of public school,” The Redheaded libertarian said.

“If anyone knows this kid’s parents, I’ll buy him a bunch of Gadsden flag merch/flags that he can give to his friends,” Robby Starbuck commented.


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