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President Trump’s FULL Interview With Greg Kelly (First Interview Post Mug Shot)

President Trump has been on fire ever since his booking and mug shot yesterday…

And America is on fire with him!

A lot has happened in the last 24 hours including President Trump finally making his surprise return to Twitter.

But in all the commotion you may have missed his interview with Greg Kelly on Newsmax.

President Trump could have given his first interview last night to anyone, and it shows how much he respects Newsmax that he gave it to them.

It was a fantastic interview and I’ve got it for you here in case you missed it.

First, a short clip:

And then the full interview here:

We’ve got your back sir!

I believe millions of new Americans are boarding the TRUMP TRAIN with each passing week.

We will NEVER GIVE UP because President Trump NEVER GIVES UP!

President Trump: “NEVER GIVE UP”

One of the most remarkable things about President Trump is that he never quits.

A lot of people think they are tough and never give up, but until you have 2 impeachments and 4 indictments levied against you by the Deep State, you haven’t really seen tough times.

Trump has and not only is he not breaking down, he seems to be getting stronger.

How is that even possible?

The man is special, I believe specially equipped by God for such a time as this.

And with that in mind I had to share this video I saw this morning.

This is so perfect.

Trump hasn’t given up, and he never will.


Proverbs 28:1:

The wicked flee though no one pursues,
but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

Watch here — so powerful!

Backup here:

And if you want a few others, I’ve got you covered.




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