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McCarthy Threatens Congressional Response over Biden’s Failure Handling Maui

The House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has threatened a congressional investigation into Biden’s failed response to Maui.

Despite the catastrophic damage that the people of Maui have endured.

Biden gave a measly $700 to each family and had some poor words to say before and during his visit to Maui.

Now McCarthy wants to hold Biden responsible.

More from Fox News:

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday called for an investigation into the Biden administration’s handling of the devastating fires in Maui.

“We saw the devastation that happened in Maui…I’m very concerned about the response,” McCarthy said at a press conference in the district of Rep. Brandon Williams, R-N.Y.

“We still have hundreds of individuals that are missing. I think there’s going to have to be a congressional investigation into the response on Maui. How could you lose that many Americans?”

He also criticized President Biden for refusing to comment on the wildfires earlier this month while leaving a Delaware beach.

“The president’s response – had no comment. That’s unacceptable,” McCarthy said. “So I am going to work with committees to look at investigating what went on so that never happens again.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

I’m unsure that McCarthy will actually hold Biden responsible.

Who knows with these guys.

But there needs to be some investigation.

Biden needs to be held accountable for his failures as ‘president.’

The people of Maui need a real leader that will support them.

Not fall asleep during speeches and ramble on about a fake house fire that occurred.

Let’s turn it over to the New York Post for more on the story:

The wildfires were fueled by the winds of Hurricane Dora and are still not fully contained two weeks later.

Local officials on Maui have come under fire for failing to sound emergency alarms or approve the release of water in time to battle the flames.

Biden touched down in Maui Monday for a gaffe-plagued visit with first lady Jill Biden.

At one point, the president drew parallels between the wildfires in Maui and a small house fire he endured in the early 2000s.

“I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, of what it was like to lose a home,” Biden said during his visit.

“Years ago now, 15 years … lightning struck at home on a little lake outside the home, not a lake, a big pond. It hit the wire and came up underneath our home,” he continued. “To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette and my cat.”

The people need to hold Biden accountable for his failures as our alleged president.

If President Trump were still in the White House, the response would have been vastly different.


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