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VIDEO: NBC’s Chuck Todd in Full-Blown MELTDOWN Over Trump’s Strong Support, Biden’s ‘Hillary-Like’ Numbers

It seems that some in the mainstream media have just awakened from a long, long slumber.

Stretching and yawning, they’re coming to terms with a reality we’ve seen brewing for months!

It’s a classic tale of the underdog, an echo of the 2015-2016 saga, and it’s all happening again right before our very eyes.

Yes, you heard it right!

Despite all the curveballs thrown his way, former President Donald Trump stands tall, basking in the unwavering support of GOP voters.

Now, remember, many saw the indictments against him as nothing but politically-driven shenanigans, much in the vein of the 2016 “Russia collusion” narrative.

But our friends in the media? They’re scrambling to understand the phenomenon.

Chuck Todd of NBC News was almost comedic in his bewilderment on “Meet the Press.”


And if you listen closely, you can hear the subtle undertones of panic.

“Why would the GOP stick with Trump?” he pondered aloud, almost reminiscent of the meme-worthy moments from the last election cycle.

The answer, dear Chuck, lies with the people – a faction that’s tired of the politicking and seeks genuine leadership.

But wait, there’s more!

The cherry on this deliciously ironic cake is Joe Biden’s plummeting approval ratings.

They eerily mirror those of Hillary Clinton in 2016.

And we all know how that saga ended. Could history repeat itself?

Trump’s train is chugging ahead full steam, and from the looks of it, many are hopping on board for the ride.

Watch Chuck Todd’s epic meltdown below:

Here’s an excellent follow-up clip as well:

So, buckle up, everyone!

As the media scrambles, blindsided and clutching their pearls, we’re in for a wild electoral season.

And if this opener is any indication, it promises twists, turns, and a whole lot of fun!

The Trump train is on the move, and it’s full steam ahead!

Red State was one of the first to report on Chuck Todd’s epic meltdown:


There’s really just no other way to look at it.

Despite the four indictments handed down against former President Donald Trump in a span of five months, he continues to grow in popularity with GOP voters in presidential candidate polling.

Understandably, many of these voters view Trump’s growing legal woes as further evidence of a blatant banana republic-esque attempt at election interference by the sitting President of the United States seven years after the Clinton campaign-funded Russia collusion hoax was born in an effort to derail Trump’s campaign.

One would think that it would be just that obvious why Trump’s numbers with the Republican faithful are still holding strong, but not to NBC News anchor Chuck Todd, who on his “Meet the Press” program Sunday just couldn’t understand why a majority of Republicans would stick by Trump despite his current predicament:

“Of course it used to be that extramarital affairs, campaign trail tears, forgetting a cabinet agency, even a weird scream could end a presidential campaign. Now, Donald Trump has been criminally indicted four times in as many months, and faces 91 felony counts, and so leads the Republican field nationally by nearly 40 points. Yet, outside of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is polling at 3% in a new Quinnipiac poll and, to a degree, his former Vice President Mike Pence,Trump’s Republican opponents, for the most part, are declining to take him on directly.”

Later during the panel discussion, Todd’s frustration with the current electoral picture only grew after he pointed to a graphic showing that Biden’s approval numbers at this point look more like Hillary Clinton’s in the fall of 2016, right before she lost, rather than how Biden’s looked in 2020, right before he was declared the election winner:

“And the one thing I want to point out here is I want to show you his – this stuff has taken a huge toll on him. You know, Biden right before the 2020 election, he was right side up, which in our polarized politics is quite astonishing. Look, Trump and Rudy Giuliani began this campaign to try to tarnish Biden, to try to turn him into the Clinton name, you know, with the – with the obsession over the Ukraine businesses with Hunter. And it’s worked. His numbers now look more like Hillary Clinton ’16 than Biden ’20. Kimberly, we – maybe abortion is the difference, there? That – that – that will bail him out. But that doesn’t look good for him.”

Oh, how the mighty tables keep turning, round and round, almost to the tune of Biden’s plummeting approval numbers.

In the face of overwhelming evidence, even the stalwarts of media are finally acknowledging what’s been clear to us: Biden’s ship isn’t just sinking, it’s hitting iceberg after iceberg!

When NBC’s Chuck Todd, a beacon of left-leaning sentiments, utters that Biden’s approval ratings “doesn’t look good for him,” you just know alarms are blaring in the White House.

And, to add salt to the wound, USA Today’s Susan Page chimes in, highlighting the ticking time bomb that is Hunter Biden’s controversies.

Even she knows that silence isn’t golden in this case. Rather, Biden’s silence is more like a foghorn, alerting all that his “public position is not sustainable.”


But wait, there’s more!


In a trio of thorns prickling Biden’s side, Politico’s Jonathan Martin expertly identifies not just Hunter, but Biden’s age and the looming investigations into former President Donald Trump as storm clouds threatening to drench Biden’s parade.

The Daily Caller confirms that Chuck Todd is in a panic:

NBC’s Chuck Todd said Sunday that President Joe Biden’s recent job approval in the polls “doesn’t look good for him.”

The assembled panelists were discussing challenges facing Biden. USA Today’s Washington bureau chief, Susan Page, said Biden needs to come out and speak about his son, Hunter, arguing the president’s current “public position is not sustainable.”

Politico’s Jonathan Martin interjected, arguing the president has three major issues clouding his re-election chances: his son, his age and what he should say about the investigations into former President Donald Trump.

So, what’s a floundering president to do when the tide turns against him?

Resort to political prosecutions, perhaps?

It seems the Democrats have realized that the only way they might stand a chance against Trump is to keep him tangled in the courtrooms, far from the ballot box.

Because, let’s face it, with the current state of the economy and Biden’s track record, Trump looks poised to sweep the ballots, making 2024 look eerily like a 2016 redux.


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