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FEMA Requesting a Maui Social Media Blackout?

We’re the government, and we’re here to help you.

Indeed, those may be the most dangerous words you’ll ever hear.

Unfortunately, the Maui tragedy has proven the dishonesty and inefficiency of government at all levels.

The Maui response has been an unmitigated disaster.

Alleged government actions continue getting more suspicious.

According to Informed Daily host Anthony Cabassa, an anonymous nonprofit leader heading to Maui for disaster relief said FEMA requested them to stop posting images and videos to social media.

“A person wishing to stay anonymous has sent me this email by FEMA sent to their nonprofit who is headed to Maui to help with disaster relief,” Cabassa said.

“They say they are being asked to STOP posting any images or videos while on the ground effective immediately.”

The alleged email read:

“Out of respect for those who perished, we were asked by Maui County officials to pause on posting on social media and elsewhere new imagery of damage/disaster/debris starting now. They are asking for a full stop on disaster imagery going forward. At this time, we have not been asked to take any photos or video down. Our team on the ground is coordinating with the County for further guidance to ensure we remain fully aligned. Cultural sensitivity is of the upmost importance in all our response and recovery activities to this disaster.”


“The source says they found this to be ‘weird’ especially as this was sent when they were aware President Biden would be visiting the island,” Cabassa added.

“FEMA has instructed them – at the order of local Maui Govt. to ‘pause on posting’ to their socials or elsewhere.”

“This letter gives me the same undertone of watching Nick Sortor upon arriving in Maui, and having a group of people follow him around when was trying to investigate the events in Maui,” he wrote.

Read more about investigative reporter Nick Sortor’s creepy exchange with a stalker.

UNBELIEVABLE: Biden’s Disastrous Maui Trip Leaves Country in Fury

The entire government response only raises further suspicions of nefarious activity on the island.

Rightfully, Maui residents expressed outrage at Biden during his visit.

UNBELIEVABLE: Biden’s Disastrous Maui Trip Leaves Country in Fury


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