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Meet “Rhonda Santis”

I don’t know what level of AI sorcery created this, all I can say is it’s freaky, it’s hilarious and it’s dead on perfect!

Called by some “Rhonda Santis” this is some wizardly combination of Ron DeSantis and Hillary Clinton.

The more you watch, the freakier it gets!

I can’t tell where Ron starts and Hillary begins….and vice versa.

The audio….

The visual….

It’s uncanny.

Just watch for yourself:

Even Don Jr. has started sharing the “Ronda Santis” memes:

“Why am I not up 50 points in the polls?”

I have no idea how they did this, but this is perfection:

Per the watermark, credit appears to go to the Dilley Meme Team.

Well done fellas and/or ladies!

And also from the Dilley Meme Team, this one is so good…

How do they do this?



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