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New “Porn Fetish” For Democrats

There’s an overwhelmingly smarmy party atmosphere in the halls of MSNBC, The Washington Post, and even in the men’s social clubs of Little Italy in New York City.

The excitement and glee is like a New Year’s Eve celebration with popping champagne bottles, or a house party after a “not guilty” verdict in a criminal trial. Or, the perverted joy of finding a new upload to watch on PornHub.

So, what’s causing Democrats and mobsters to whoop and holler like party animal freaks? In a word, indictments.

This week’s pile-on of more indictments against President Trump and his loyal associates is giving liberals and others a reason to party hard and openly rejoice.

This is the left’s unadulterated fetishizing of lawfare against President Trump.

(Remember, these people are sick.)

As renowned legal scholar Jonathan Turley so aptly describes this craziness:

But it doesn’t stop at porn. How about book clubs? Former Biden press secretary Jen Psaki hypes Trump indictments as the perfect book club assignment:

I’m not assuming everybody would read it…use it for your book club, encourage your friends to read it, your neighbors,…your children,” Psaki said.

It’s not only Trump’s indictments fueling the celebrations. “America’s Mayor,” Rudy Giuliani, is also a target of mirth.

Former Democratic Senator and MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill (who previously warned everyone to ‘back off’ Hunter Biden) was in open rapture. She proclaimed ‘the good news is we finally have Rudy Giuliani indicted. Whoo-hoo! That makes me very happy.’

The celebration got to the point that a leading democratic adviser suggested others should tamp down the public displays.

The story gets crazier. Even the mafiosos are jumping on the party bus.

Murray Richman, a lawyer who represented several of the mafiosos Giuliani took on, said that his clients are ‘f**king thrilled’ and ‘laughing’ at what’s happened to Giuliani.

It’s a curious thing because while the Mob hates Rudy for breaking up the crime families, many of them support President Trump.

Politics does make for strange bedfellows.

To round out the celebrations, the left could not forget to throw in the racial element, too, because, why not? It’s what they do.

For her part, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell took a moment to celebrate a ‘strong black woman standing up to Donald Trump,’ adding a race element to the celebratory charging moment.

It’s tough to watch the left’s never-ending worship at the altar of lawfare. They accuse Trump and company of doing the exact things they are in fact doing.


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