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Maui Emergency Operations Chief Gives ABSURD Reason For Not Sounding The Sirens

When the news of the Maui fires (I refuse to call them “wildfires”) first broke, I looked at some of the video that was emerging and I said this does not feel right, this is not natural.

Something is very wrong here.

And that initial reaction is proving to be correct the more we keep learning.

We’re going to continue reporting on this story and we’re not going to let it go.

The American people are sick and tired of stuff like this happening and we demand to know if this was an intentional strike against the people of Lahaina.

Every piece of evidence that we come across is making that more and more likely and less and less likely that this was just a “wildfire” that got out of control.

Maui has a first-class Emergency Warning System and we’ve even seen several false-positives of the system go off in recent years.

Yet when the most fatal tragedy to ever strike the island hit last week, the system was NOT used.

Many people were trapped, left to die in their homes.

The reason?

According to the “Emergency Operations Chief” (we’ll get to him in a moment) he didn’t sound the alarm because the alarm is mostly for tsunamis and he didn’t want people running inland.


Here’s what my friend Jim Hoft over at The Gateway Pundit wrote:

The devastating fire that ravaged the beautiful island of Maui ignited at 12:22 a.m., a time when the residents were tucked in their beds, completely unaware of the impending disaster.

Had those sirens been activated, it’s conceivable that the residents would have received the crucial warning they needed, potentially allowing them time to evacuate and seek safety. The sirens remained silent, leaving many to wonder what could have been.

In a press conference that has already become infamous, Chief Andaya defended his choice to send out alerts via mobile devices, radio waves, television, and the county’s opt-in resident alert system instead of utilizing the sirens.

Andaya asserted that the sirens are typically reserved for tsunami warnings, and Hawaiians are trained to seek higher ground when they are sounded, which, in this dire scenario, would have led them towards the flames.


“The sirens, as I had mentioned earlier, is used primarily for tsunamis. And that’s the reason why many of them are found. Almost all of them are found on the coastline. The public is trained to seek higher ground in the event that the siren is sounded,” Andaya claimed.

Watch for yourself:

Andaya also addressed questions that he has ZERO experience in emergency response and was woefully ill-equipped for this job.

He claimed his employment history in the housing department and as a staffer in the mayor’s cabinet, during which time he reported to the emergency operation centers were sufficient experience to be the Emergency Response Chief.

Quote: “To say that I am not qualified, I think is incorrect.”

Yeah sorry Andaya, you don’t get to be the arbiter of that question….

We’ll let the people decide!

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