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Hunter Biden’s Long Time Attorney Files To Withdraw From Hunter’s Case

Hunter Biden’s longtime criminal defense attorney asked a federal judge on Tuesday morning for permission to remove himself from Hunter Biden’s case.

Hunter Biden’s attorney Christopher Clark filed a new motion with a federal judge in Delaware to withdraw himself from Hunter’s criminal case.

In the new filing, Hunter Biden’s attorneys wrote “Based on recent developments, it appears that the negotiation and drafting of the plea agreement and diversion agreement will be contested, and Mr. Clark is a percipient witness to those issues.”

Per Fox News:

Hunter Biden’s longtime attorney Chris Clark withdrew as counsel amid “recent developments in the matter”—specifically in case he is called to be witness in ongoing matters related to the failed “sweetheart” plea deal the Justice Department offered the president’s son.

In a court filing obtained by Fox News, Clark motioned to withdraw as counsel, saying the move was “necessitated by recent developments in the matter.”

Under Delaware Rule of Professional Conduct, which Clark points to in his filing, “a lawyer shall not act as an advocate at a trial in which the lawyer is likely to be a necessary witness unless..disqualification of the lawyer would work substantial hardship on the client.”

“Based on recent developments, it appears that the negotiation and drafting of the plea agreement and diversion agreement will be contested, and Mr. Clark is a percipient witness to those issues,” the filing states.

Here’s what CNN reported:

Hunter Biden’s lead criminal defense attorney asked a federal judge on Tuesday for permission to withdraw from the case because he could now be called as a witness in future proceedings.

Christopher Clark, Biden’s longtime defense lawyer, filed a motion with the Delaware judge who has overseen the case since a plea deal was announced in June.

“Based on recent developments, it appears that the negotiation and drafting of the plea agreement and diversion agreement will be contested, and Mr. Clark is a percipient witness to those issues,” Biden’s lawyers said in the filing.

Federal prosecutors said last week they reached an impasse on a plea deal related to tax offenses and a related “diversion agreement” to resolve a gun possession charge. They asked the judge to withdraw a late August deadline she previously gave both sides to re-negotiate the agreements after she refused to approve them at a hearing last month.

Biden’s lawyers said Sunday they believed the gun diversion deal was still “valid and binding.” Abbe Lowell, one of the attorneys, placed blame on prosecutors for drafting the agreements the judge took issue with.


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