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President Trump Facing New Indictment?

The only indication one needs to understand the level of fraud being perpetrated right now is the number—the number of indictments and charges against former President Donald J. Trump.

In what can only be described as a play from the banana republic handbook, President Trump, the GOP frontrunner for the 2024 Presidential election, continues to be indicted by his political opposition—almost on a daily basis.

I have lost count of how many charges are being stacked against the man; this is not an indication of his guilt—quite the opposite, it is an indication of the corruption and weaponization of the U.S. justice system.

It is almost laughable the number of charges they have filed against President Trump, it’s cartoonish in a way.

That trend only seems to be accelerating as we see reports of a new, potential indictment coming out of Georgia over a phone call President Trump placed to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2020.

Collin Rugg didn’t hold back when discussing the potential, additional charges against President Trump:

“Fulton County DA Fani Willis will be seeking more than a dozen indictments in probe against Donald Trump over the 2020 election. Just imagine if the ‘justice’ system put 1/10th of this effort into investigating the Biden Crime Family.

Willis is reportedly ‘eyeing’ conspiracy and racketeering charges against Trump who questioned the results of the 2020 election. For those who haven’t been paying attention:

The 2020 election made zero statistical sense. Joe Biden managed to lose most bellwether counties but won the election… something that has never happened before. If you think this is suspicious, the state media and ‘justice’ system will target you.”


Charlie Kirk had this to say: “Another leak to CNN: Fulton County DA Fani Willis is expected to seek indictments against “12 other Republicans” by way of conspiracy and racketeering charges, allowing her to bring a case against “multiple defendants.” I thought this was just about getting Trump.”


According to CNN:

Former Georgia Lt. Gov Geoff Duncan, a Republican, said Saturday on CNN that he has been told to appear Tuesday before a Fulton County grand jury to testify about the efforts by Trump and his allies.

Independent journalist George Chidi posted on social media later Saturday that he’d been told to appear before the grand jury on Tuesday, too.

The upcoming appearances signal that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is moving forward with a grand jury presentation where she’s expected to seek charges against more than a dozen people stemming from her investigation into the efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

One user pointed out the stunning irregularities that plagued Fulton County and other parts of Georgia during the 2020 election.

President Trump, never failing to issue a response, was quick to counter news of additional charges from Georgia prosecutors.

The Associated Press had more:

Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat has said he’s in meetings “every day” to prepare for a possible indictment.

In anticipation of potential charges, his deputies erected barriers last week along the block in front of the main courthouse.

The street was closed this week, and parking is prohibited on nearby streets. Those measures are to remain in place through the end of next week, Labat’s office said.


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