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Perry Johnson Has His “Howard Dean Moment”

Perry Johnson just had his Howard Dean Moment.

And I suppose I should back up because I just heard most of you ask: “Who is Perry Johnson?”

Johnson is a fringe candidate running for the Republican Nomination.

If you’ve watched Succession, he reminds me of Conner Roy, so I’ve dubbed him and his followers the “Conheads”.

Rich, kooky candidate getting about 1% of the polling with no chance of winning.

That’s Perry Johnson.

Google’s Bard AI says this about him:

Perry Johnson is a Republican businessman who is running for president of the United States in 2024. He is a self-described “quality expert” and has founded over 80 companies worldwide. Johnson is a controversial figure, having been disqualified from running for governor of Michigan in 2022 for submitting too many invalid signatures.

Johnson’s platform is based on his business experience and his belief that the government should be run more like a business. He has proposed a number of policies, including:

  • Cutting taxes for businesses and individuals
  • Reducing regulations on businesses
  • Balancing the federal budget
  • Rebuilding the military
  • Securing the border
  • Protecting the Second Amendment
  • Appointing conservative judges to the Supreme Court

Johnson is a member of the Republican Party. He is considered to be a long-shot candidate for president, but he has been gaining some support in recent months. He has been endorsed by a number of conservative groups, including the National Rifle Association and the Family Research Council.

Johnson is a polarizing figure. His supporters see him as a successful businessman who can bring his expertise to the White House. His critics see him as a self-promoter who is out of touch with the needs of ordinary Americans. It remains to be seen whether Johnson can overcome his lack of name recognition and his history of controversy to become a serious contender for the Republican nomination for president.

In addition to his political career, Johnson is also a successful businessman. He founded Perry Johnson Registrars Inc., a company that certifies businesses against international quality control standards. Johnson has also written several books on international quality control standards and certification.

Johnson is a controversial figure, but he is also a successful businessman and politician. He is a long-shot candidate for president, but he has been gaining some support in recent months. It remains to be seen whether Johnson can overcome his lack of name recognition and his history of controversy to become a serious contender for the Republican nomination for president.

Ok, so why am I even talking about him?

Because he just had his “Howard Dean Scream” Moment.

Which one of you did this?

Oh wait, it was me!

Sorry Perry, bad look bro!


Did Ron DeSantis Just Have His “Howard Dean” Moment?

When you’re running for President, you want to get attention.

Trending online is great!

Unless….it’s for a bad reason.

Unless you’re having your Howard Dean moment.

Do you remember when that happened?

If you don’t remember or never saw it, you’re in for a treat.

This is not even a human sound, I have no idea how he did this.

When it’s called “THE Scream” you know that’s very bad for you.

Watch here:

Oddly enough, that happened in Iowa and Ron DeSantis may have just had his Howard Dean moment….also in Iowa.

Let’s start with the pictures, because they’re bad enough.

Here is Ron DeSantis laughing:

It was immediately mocked online:



Ok, so that’s….odd, right?

But maybe it’s just a bad still frame.

We all look bad in pictures sometimes.

Maybe the video will be better.



This is not normal:

Me too Brian:

This one was funny:

Definitely not normal human movements:


And back to the Howard Dean moment.

I’m afraid you may be toast Ronald:

Now….compare whatever the hell that was to this:

ICONIC: Donald Trump, American Badass!

“Iconic” is the only word I have for this.

You’re going to love this…

Remember last weekend when President Trump attended UFC 287 with Kid Rock, Dana White and Iron Mike Tyson?

And the crowd erupted?

And after the fight the winner told Joe Rogan and the entire stadium that Donald Trump was the best President in his entire lifetime?

And then he started a “Let’s Go Brandon” chant?

So cool.

But even cooler is the video that someone stitched together and put to music — the perfect music bed for this video, Kid Rock’s “American Badass”.

It’s only 2 minutes but so good.

I’ve listed to it 5 times already.


And on Rumble here:


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