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(VIDEO) Man Arrested While Reading Bible on Public Sidewalk

Viral footage from Wisconsin shows police arresting a young man for reading the Bible on a public sidewalk.

In the video, police walked up to the man and snatched his microphone.

“What are you doing?” the man asked the police.

“They said we could speak on the sidewalk freely,” someone behind the camera told police officers.

“You guys are acting like thugs man,” he added.

“He has every right to be out here engaging in speech,” he said.

Police placed the man reading the Bible in handcuffs and walked him away.

“The ordinance has to do with a decibel gauge. You don’t just get to pick and choose which amplification you like and which you don’t. That’s selective enforcement of the law. It’s discrimination on the basis of speech. That’s what you all just did, content-based discrimination based on speech. Walk away because you know you just did wrong,” the man behind the camera said.


According to The Sentinel, “police arrested several young people in Wisconsin for preaching the gospel at a public drag queen event targeted toward children.”

The outlet spoke with two young preachers detained at the event.

Marcus Schroeder, the young man arrested in the viral footage, said “it was worth it.”

It’s actually an honor to be counted worthy to stand with the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and been arrested for the sake of spreading Christ and his kingdom,” he added.

“If the police wanted to try and set an example for others or anything like that, the only thing I’ve seen is actually the exact opposite, where more and more people are seeing the severity of what’s going on and being called to more action,” he continued.

Nick Proell, another young Christian detained at the event, also spoke with The Sentinel.

The Sentinel reports:

Proell likewise told The Sentinel that he “absolutely” does not regret his detainment. “I’d do it all over again if it gives me an opportunity to share the good news and rescue innocent children being sexualized by their parents,” he said. “God will use it for good. We will stand for truth even if we stand alone.”

Storms added that there were several dozen police officers assembled to protect the drag queen event, during which performers dressed in lingerie were seen “dancing and gyrating in front of little children, who were invited to give them one dollar bills.” Wisconsin law forbids individuals from causing a minor to view or listen to “sexually explicit conduct.”

News of the drag event made national headlines as Nazi sympathizers, who were unaffiliated with the Christians preaching the gospel and the secular groups protesting the event, appeared at the performance. Wisconsin Democratic Governor Tony Evers denounced the Nazi presence but defended the occurrence of the show.

“LGBTQ Wisconsinites deserve to be treated with dignity, decency, kindness, and respect just like every other Wisconsinite,” he said. “They deserve to be safe being who they are without fear or threat of shame, harassment, intimidation, or violence.”

Storms affirmed to The Sentinel that the Christians at the event had “zero” affiliation with the Nazis, who he believes are likely from outside of Wisconsin. He added that the young people attempted to share the gospel with them in addition to the attendees of the drag queen event.

Social media users noted the “Nazi sympathizers” at the Wisconsin drag event looked like federal agents and/or agent provocateurs.

The group apparently goes by the name of “Blood Tribe.”

Smells like the feds attempting to rebrand “Patriot Front.”

The Sentinel reports that Schroeder was charged with “unlawful use of sound amplification and resisting arrest.”

The outlet contacted Watertown Mayor Emily McFarland and Watertown Police Chief Robert Kaminski to inquire about the charges against Schroeder.

The outlet also asked if the “performers of the drag event would be charged for violating the statute against ‘sexually explicit conduct.'”

“I called Watertown Wisconsin this morning trying to get more information on the young man that was arrested and his Bible taken away. The Watertown Police Department has no public statement and will not release any information without a FOI request. They are aware the video is going viral,” said a concerned resident who called the police department.



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