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Another GOP Presidential Candidate? “I’m the Only Pureblood Candidate for President”

With the first RNC-sponsored GOP presidential primary debate in under a month, it seems rather late for other candidates to enter the race.

However, it appears there is another entry into the GOP primary.

The new entrant is somebody you’ve likely never heard of before.

To my knowledge, there’s not even a Wikipedia page for the latest presidential candidate.

The late entrant into the GOP primary is Indian-American politician Hirsh Singh.

Singh announced his presidency on Thursday.

My first question was likely similar to many other viewers: Who is this?

“Today I am here to announce my intention to seek the Republican nomination for President of the United States. My name is Hirsh Singh, a lifelong Republican and an America First, constitutional carry, and pro-life conservative who helped restore the conservative wing of New Jersey’s Republican Party starting in 2017,” Singh announced.

“While Big Pharma has made massive profits off working with government to compel everyone to take their experimental vaccines, Big Tech has become the Big Brother who invades our privacy and has indulged in censorship of our political and contrarian viewpoints,” he added.

“In the last century, America provided leadership to the free world by opposing the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, but American parents today, whether Christian, Muslim, [or] Hindu, live in great fear of the same Bolsheviks who have taken over our schools and are imposing their religion and extreme ideology, endangering our children,” he continued.

“While President Trump was undoubtedly the greatest president of my lifetime and had my support as a MAGA Republican since day one, America needs more,” Singh said.

“In the recent past, I opposed the policies that seek to entangle us in another world war. Led the fight against economic lockdowns and led huge protest rallies against compulsory vaccinations,” he continued.

“Today, I’m the only pureblood candidate for president because I never gave in to the COVID vaccinations. Even New Jersey’s Democrat Senate President labeled me as Trump on steroids,” he added.


“This guy will also soon be passing DeSantis in the polls,” Roger Stone said.

“Perennial NJ candidate Hirsh Singh was last seen—and I am not making this up—losing a condo board election. He has never won a race,” Alex Clearfield wrote.

“To be clear, this guy is polling closer to DeSantis than DeSantis is to Trump,” Alex Bruesewitz said.

“I know nothing about him… but i like the way he speaks,” Timcast News Editor-in-Chief Cassandra MacDonald said.

“Who even is this lol,” Gays Against Groomers Founder and President Jaimee Michell wrote.

WION had more information about Singh:

Hirsh Singh: Personal Life

Hirsh Vardhan Singh is from the Atlantic and his parents were Indian immigrants. With a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2009, he helped his father run their family business, specialising in missile defence, satellite navigation and aviation security.

According to Wiki biography, Singh was an aerospace engineer and was awarded Aviation Ambassador in 2003, by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Hirsh Singh: Political Career

With a contribution of $1 million from his father, Singh entered the New Jersey politics in 2017, as a candidate for governor, where he got only 9.9 per cent of the vote share, finishing third in the race.

After it, in 2018 he contested for US Senate and Congress, US Senate in 2020 and governor in 2021, but never made it. His failed races and his bad temper made him the Veruca Salt of New Jersey politics.

“Perennial candidate Hirsh Singh, who has lost six bids for office in New Jersey since 2017 – the last a failed run for a condo board seat in Atlantic City – today announced that he would seek the Republican nomination for president,” New Jersey Globe wrote.

More from New Jersey Globe:

A Republican officeholder told the New Jersey Globe after the 2021 primary– only half-kidding – that the Peter Pan-like character might be headed to Iowa and New Hampshire since he has an unrealistic view of his limitations.

With a contribution of more than $1 million from his defense contractor daddy, Singh entered New Jersey politics in 2017 as a candidate for governor. He finished third in a field of five Republican candidates, winning 9.8% of the vote.

He briefly sought the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in 2018 before switching to the congressional race in New Jersey’s 2nd district. Twelve-term Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-Ventnor) was retiring, and the GOP was searching for a challenger against the Democratic frontrunner, State Sen. Jeff Van Drew.

While Singh secured several organization lines, he lost the Republican primary to former Atlantic County Freeholder Seth Grossman by 2,232 votes, 39%-30.5%, in a four-candidate race.

He tried to take on U.S. Senator Cory Booker in 2020 but lost the Republican primary by 8,727 votes against former U.S. Food and Drug Administration executive Rik Mehta, 38%-36%. His campaign was propelled by organizational lines in Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland and Ocean, where his 34,217-vote margin made him in contention to win the nomination. He lost the other 17 counties.

In 2021, Singh mounted a scorched-earth campaign for the GOP gubernatorial primary Jack Ciattarelli didn’t work. He finished third with just 21.5% of the vote and wound up ceding the pro-Trump mantle to a shadowy ex-pastor, Phil Rizzo. Singh fought to get into debates and then inexplicably ducked one of them.


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