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President Trump: Dream BOLD Again!

Sometimes it’s important to pause and refuel the batteries.

The Nation is in a bad place right now…

We’re engaged in battles on nearly every front.

President Trump is facing an unknown number of sham indictments.

Biden has sold out our Country to the highest bidder (literally).

And yet….

There is reason to dream big.

To dream bold!

To be optimistic!

And there’s no one better to deliver that message that Donald John Trump himself.

Folks, I keep saying this looks and feels like 2015 all over again to me.

I can’t explain it other than to say that.

Can you feel it?

It feels like we’ve just taken that escalator ride down Trump Tower and now we’re picking off 17 Republican challengers on our way to a historic and unprecedented White House victory.

So while we’re fighting battles on all fronts, I also can’t help but be incredibly excited for our future and for the historic counter-punch that is about to go down in history.

Please enjoy this one saved safely here on Rumble:


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