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Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck

I thought this video was incredible on several different levels…

So I wanted you to see it.

This is Glenn Beck’s show and Bill O’Reilly calling in by phone.

Here’s what was so fascinating to me…

Glenn Beck

Bill O’Reilly

Tucker Carlson

FoxNews had them all!


Fox had a powerhouse!

Man, I used to love watching Bill O’Reilly.

He was a brilliant mind and he clearly hasn’t lost any speed off his fastball either listening to him in this video.

But what did Fox do?

They blew it!

They got rid of all of them!

Now Glenn Beck has built his empire over at The Blaze….

Tucker just signed a $100 million sponsor for his new media company….

Bill is doing his own thing, which is probably smallest of the three.

But if Fox had played their cards right, they could still have all three of these guys working on Fox!

Can you imagine?

Of course it’s not like Fox just “made a mistake”….

No, they knew what they were doing.

They intentionally got rid of all of them because they didn’t want them to keep having such a big impact.

It’s quintessential Joe Biden stuff….destroy the company and destroy the company from within!

The enemy within is far worse than any ever at the gate.

Fox News imploded just like our country is currently doing.


So sad.

But back to the clip.

I thought it was fascinating listening to these guys talk.

They both clearly still have “it”.

Two stars.

Two brilliant minds.

And a great discussion on top of everything!

Will Biden last another year?

Bill and Glenn say no.

Watch here:



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