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RAW CUT: Mel Gibson EXPOSES Hollywood!

We all know Mel Gibson is one of the good guys in Hollywood…

We also know how involved he has been with The Sound of Freedom.

But I just discovered a video where he goes deep….MUCH deeper!

He lays it all out there, naming names!


Christopher Walken!

It’s all in there.

REMINDER: this is not Noah saying these things.


I am simply a reporter.

I am reporting to you what Mel Gibson has said.

I have several different clips to show you, and you need to see them all.

Let’s start here (this one has a story about Christopher Walken):

Backup here on Rumble:

Expanded clip:

Then we have him going after Oprah:

And here:


REVEALED: Is This Why Hollywood Hates Mel Gibson?

Mel Gibson was once Hollywood royalty.

Starring in back-to-back-to-back blockbusters.

Back when movies were actually entertaining and not just woke garbage.


I miss those movies.

Then suddenly Mel was persona non grata in Hollywood.

Oh it was publicly blamed on a racist rant, we all know that story.

Then it was theorized that he was ostracized for filming the Passion of the Christ, which of course the pedos and sickos in Hollywood hated.

But I recently discovered a new video from Mel from back in the 1990s and I think this explains why he was so hated in Hollywood.

Because he exposed them all.

I had never seen this before but oh wow….

Watch and you’ll see what I mean:



FACT-CHECK: Mel Gibson Is Making A Movie About The Rothschilds?

Mel Gibson was trending on Twitter today, which usually means one of two things…

Either he’s dead (thankfully not) or he’s taking on some big, new project.

It turns out it was the latter, or at least that was the rumor that was trending.

Here is an example of the posts that were going viral:


Uhhhh yeah, you think they attacked Mel when he made the Passion of the Christ video?

Things would get REALLY ugly if he took on the head of the beast straight on!

Not “friendly” people:

But….is it true?

It is unclear, although there are a lot of very strange reports.

Let’s dig in….

The story actually goes back to 2019 when the reports first began to surface.

For example, here is Page Six, a reputable source, from 2019 making the announcement:

Here’s what PageSix reported in 2019:

Mel Gibson is set to play a character called Whitelaw Rothchild — in what would appear to be a reference to the wealthy Jewish Rothschild family, sparking outrage because of the actor’s checkered past.

The volatile actor will play the part of the patriarch of the super-rich family in the dark comedy “Rothchild,” which also will feature Shia LaBeouf as family outcast Becket Rothchild, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The script — which bears a striking resemblance to the 1949 British comedy “Kinds Hearts and Coronets” — is set among a group of New York mega-wealthy whose last name is almost identical to the famed Jewish banking dynasty that is often the target of anti-Semitic tropes.

While the ethnicity of the Rothchilds has not been specified, its similarity to the Rothschild name has sparked a backlash because of the incidents that led to Gibson’s longtime snub by Hollywood.

Gibson’s spokesman cried foul Tuesday about “erroneous reporting” by various outlets.

“The criticism stems from the inaccurate reporting that this film is actually about a wealthy family of Jewish bankers, which it is not,” the actor’s longtime publicist Alan Nierob told The Post in an email.

“‘Rothchild’ is not about the actual Rothschild family and the only similarities between the two are that they are wealthy and their names are similar,” he added.

In 2006, Gibson launched an anti-Semitic tirade against a cop after he was arrested for alleged drunken driving in California.

“The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world!” the star yelled at the time, according to the arrest report. He later apologized for his rant.

Gibson also has been accused of promoting anti-Semitic stereotypes with his 2004 film “Passion of the Christ.”

Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg described his casting in “Rothchild” as “chilling.”

“Mel Gibson, same dude who gave us ‘F— Jews… Jews are responsible for all wars in the world.’ Is starring as the ‘sinister grandfather’ in ‘Rothchild,’ a ‘black comedy,’’ she said in a tweet.

But it wasn’t just them.

Variety also reported on it in 2019:


Shia LaBeouf and Mel Gibson will star in “Rothchild,” a dark comedy about New York’s super rich helmed by “Stan & Ollie” director Jon S. Baird. HanWay Films has boarded the project and will kick off international sales at Cannes. CAA Media Finance is handling the North American rights.

LaBeouf plays Becket Rothchild, who was cast out from the family. As an adult the charismatic Becket hatches a plan to get back into the family and claim his birth right. There are nine Rothchild family members who stand between him and his fortune including Whitelaw (Gibson), the family patriarch and villain of the piece.

“Rothchild” is being produced by Los Angeles-based production company Unified Pictures. Keith Kjarval and Tyler Jackson will produce alongside Black Box Management’s Lowell Shapiro and Mike Dill who represent the writer.

“Rothchild is a satirical and thrilling ride, and I am elated to be working with a filmmaker like Jon Baird, who not only has an incredible track record of guiding award-winning performances, but is crafting this film to be an action packed cautionary tale on wealth and power,” said Kjarval.

Here’s what Newsweek concluded, rating the rumor FALSE:



While Mel Gibson was attached to a movie called “Rothchild” in 2019, he was not set to direct.

His representative told Newsweek that while Gibson was offered a role, the movie “if it were made, did not include Mr. Gibson” and that the actor “will not be directing, nor has ever intended to direct a film or any upcoming films about the Rothschilds.”

The people behind the original project (which appears to no longer be in production) have also emphasized that it was not related to or based on the Rothschilds, further undermining the conspiratorial “New World Order” narratives that have recently resurfaced on social media.

And from the AP:

CLAIM: Mel Gibson is directing a film about the wealthy Rothschild family

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. A spokesperson for the Mad Max star says he’s never been involved in developing a movie about the wealthy Jewish family, and has no plans to direct such a film. Gibson was briefly linked to a role in “Rothchild,” a dark comedy about New York’s elite. The film, which was unrelated to the real life family, never materialized.

THE FACTS: Social media users are reviving claims that Gibson plans to helm a film about the international banking dynasty.

Many suggest the once ubiquitous action hero, whose career stalled following antisemitic and racist tirades in the 2000s, is receiving pushback for his efforts.

The Rothschild’s wealth was accumulated over the centuries in Europe through banking and finance, making them a frequent target for antisemitic conspiracy theories.

“Mel Gibson directing film about the Rothschild Family and hitting the NEW WORLD ORDER!,” reads one widely shared post. “With every single mention of the Rothschild family the media around the world has already declared war on the director and wants to stop not only the production of the film, but punish Gibson himself.”

“This will never see the light of day as much as I’d like it too be,” wrote one prominent former MLB star who shared a screengrab of the post on Instagram. His post has been liked more than 3,500 times.

But Gibson’s publicist, Alan Nierob, said his client has never been linked to any film about the family, noting the rumor has made the rounds before.

“This is all made up information that was responded to quite a few years ago,” he said in an email Friday. “Nothing happening now, then or in the future.”

Nierob said he wasn’t sure why the claim was resurfacing now. Gibson faced backlash in 2019 when he was attached to a film called “Rothchild,” with actor Shia LaBeouf.

But that film wasn’t about the real life Rothschilds, even if the name of the fictional family at the center of it was similar.

Gibson was also not set to direct the film, but was to play the grandfather of LeBeouf’s protagonist, Becket Rothchild, according to news reports at the time.

The dark comedy, which was ultimately never made, was about the black sheep of a wealthy family trying to reclaim his birthright, Variety reported. Gibson’s patriarch was purportedly the villain of the film.

So….it looks like the rumor is very likely not true.

However, it seems to have a lot of smoke around the story.

Where there’s smoke there’s fire?

Was this movie set to be produced at one point and then silenced?

Is it being made behind the scenes and people being made to think it’s not moving forward?

I have questions.

I do know what’s NOT fake….


Part 2:

This is why they hate Mel.

And this is also why…remember this?

Video Shows Mel Gibson Saluting President Trump At UFC 264

A video has surfaced of Actor/Director Mel Gibson saluting President Trump at UFC 264.

Gibson who starred in The Patriot which is arguably one of the most patriotic movies of all time let everyone know he’s not just a patriot on screen but off the screen too.

As the Commander of Chief walked by, Gibson straightened up his back and gave Trump a solid salute.

While most of Hollywood wouldn’t dare doing something like this, Gibson doesn’t care what everyone else thinks.

Watch the moment it happened it here:

Just in case you don’t think it’s Mel Gibson but rather someone that just looks like him; a user on Twitter cleared things up and posted a photo of Mel earlier in the night.

The picture reveled he was wearing  the same black shirt with his sunglasses hanging from his shirt just as in the video.

The Daily Caller covered the story and released these details:

Mel Gibson was very excited to see former President Donald Trump at UFC 264 late Saturday night.

The “Lethal Weapon” star was enjoying the highly-anticipated fighting event when he saw the former POTUS walking through the crowd, and he fired him a salute as the crowd went wild.

It’s sometimes hard to believe the reality that we’re living in is real. Imagine if I told you 20 years ago that Donald Trump would be attending an MMA event as a former President and Mel Gibson would be saluting him.


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