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Congress Votes on Amendment to Reinstate Fired Pilots From COVID-19 Jab Mandates

The U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday on an amendment to H.R. 3935, “Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act,” that would reinstate pilots fired due to COVID-19 jab mandates.

In a 294-141 vote, the Uniparty shot down the amendment to reinstate fired pilots.

211 Democrats and 83 Republicans voted against the measure.

“Miller (R-IL) on behalf of Greene (R-GA) – Amendment No. 36 – Requires airlines to reinstate pilots who were fired or forced to resign because of vaccine mandates – VOTE REQUESTED,” The Republican Cloakroom writes.

Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME) was the lone Democrat to vote for the measure to reinstate fired pilots.

Here’s a list of the Republicans who shot down the measure:

Allen Republican Georgia NO
Arrington Republican Texas NO
Bacon Republican Nebraska NO
Baird Republican Indiana NO
Balderson Republican Ohio NO
Barr Republican Kentucky NO
Bergman Republican Michigan NO
Buchanan Republican Florida NO
Buck Republican Colorado NO
Bucshon Republican Indiana NO
Calvert Republican California NO
Carey Republican Ohio NO
Carter (GA) Republican Georgia NO
Carter (TX) Republican Texas NO
Chavez-DeRemer Republican Oregon NO
Ciscomani Republican Arizona NO
Cole Republican Oklahoma NO
Collins Republican Georgia NO
Crawford Republican Arkansas NO
Curtis Republican Utah NO
De La Cruz Republican Texas NO
Dunn (FL) Republican Florida NO
Ellzey Republican Texas NO
Emmer Republican Minnesota NO
Estes Republican Kansas NO
Ezell Republican Mississippi NO
Feenstra Republican Iowa NO
Ferguson Republican Georgia NO
Fitzpatrick Republican Pennsylvania NO
Garbarino Republican New York NO
Gonzales, Tony Republican Texas NO
Graves (LA) Republican Louisiana NO
Graves (MO) Republican Missouri NO
Green (TN) Republican Tennessee NO
Guthrie Republican Kentucky NO
Hill Republican Arkansas NO
Hinson Republican Iowa NO
Houchin Republican Indiana NO
Johnson (OH) Republican Ohio NO
Johnson (SD) Republican South Dakota NO
Joyce (OH) Republican Ohio NO
Kean (NJ) Republican New Jersey NO
Kelly (PA) Republican Pennsylvania NO
Kiggans (VA) Republican Virginia NO
Kim (CA) Republican California NO
LaHood Republican Illinois NO
Lamborn Republican Colorado NO
Latta Republican Ohio NO
LaTurner Republican Kansas NO
Loudermilk Republican Georgia NO
Luetkemeyer Republican Missouri NO
Mann Republican Kansas NO
McCaul Republican Texas NO
McClintock Republican California NO
McCormick Republican Georgia NO
McHenry Republican North Carolina NO
Miller (OH) Republican Ohio NO
Miller (WV) Republican West Virginia NO
Moore (UT) Republican Utah NO
Moylan Republican Guam NO
Murphy Republican North Carolina NO
Newhouse Republican Washington NO
Obernolte Republican California NO
Owens Republican Utah NO
Radewagen Republican American Samoa NO
Rogers (AL) Republican Alabama NO
Rogers (KY) Republican Kentucky NO
Schweikert Republican Arizona NO
Scott, Austin Republican Georgia NO
Simpson Republican Idaho NO
Smith (NJ) Republican New Jersey NO
Steel Republican California NO
Stewart Republican Utah NO
Strong Republican Alabama NO
Turner Republican Ohio NO
Wagner Republican Missouri NO
Weber (TX) Republican Texas NO
Wenstrup Republican Ohio NO
Williams (NY) Republican New York NO
Wilson (SC) Republican South Carolina NO
Wittman Republican Virginia NO
Womack Republican Arkansas NO
Yakym Republican Indiana NO

Another interesting amendment shot down by Congress would have required an investigation into the FAA’s decision “to broaden the acceptable EKG range for pilots to fly.”

Congress voted against the amendment 258-177.

From The Republican Cloakroom:

Miller (R-IL) on behalf of Greene (R-GA) – Amendment No. 35 – Requires the Inspector General to investigate the FAA’s decision to broaden the acceptable EKG range for pilots to fly – VOTE REQUESTED


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