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It’s Over: Ron DeSantis Fires Over A Dozen Campaign Staffers

Governor Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaign has been a failure from the start and now it appears he’s going to try to save his presidential campaign.

Multiple reports have revealed the DeSantis campaign has fired over a dozen staffers as the campaign is in danger of falling into third place in the polls.

Most of the staffers were mid-level employees and were cut to “ keep down the costs.”

The firings come after veteran advisors David Abrams and Tucker Obenshain both left the DeSantis campaign.

Here’s what NBC News reported:

Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign has fired roughly a dozen staffers — and more are expected in the coming weeks as he shakes up his big-money political operations after less than two months on the campaign trail.

Those who were let go were described to NBC News by a source familiar as mid-level staffers across several departments whose departures were related to cutting costs. The exits come after the departures of David Abrams and Tucker Obenshain, veterans of DeSantis’ political orbit, which were first reported by Politico.

Sources involved with the DeSantis campaign say there is an internal assessment among some that they hired too many staffers too early, and despite bringing in $20 million during its first six weeks, it was becoming clear their costs needed to be brought down.

Some in DeSantis’ political orbit are laying the early blame at the feet of campaign manager Generra Peck, who also led DeSantis’ 2022 midterm reelection bid and is in the hot seat right now.

Per the New York Post:

Presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis has reportedly fired roughly a dozen of his staffers as his campaign is burning through cash without making a dent in former President Donald Trump’s lead.

More staffers are expected to lose their jobs over the next few weeks amid the cost-cutting campaign shakeup, less than two months after the Florida Governor officially launched his White House bid, NBC reported.

Those who were fired were mainly mid-level staffers to bring down costs after DeSantis’ camp determined they may have hired too many staffers too early, despite its $20 million haul after six weeks on the campaign trail, sources told the outlet.

“They never should have brought so many people on, the burn rate was way too high,” one Republican source familiar with the campaign’s thought process. “People warned the campaign manager but she wanted to hear none of it.”


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