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WATCH HILARIOUS: Beer Company Takes Aim At Bud Light

It’s no secret that Bud Light is essentially in a death spiral. …

A recent WLTR report indicates that even Costco may potentially stop carrying the former top-selling beer, and Modelo continues to outpace the domestic beer in sales.

Nobody wants their beer to be woke and that’s exactly why Conservative Dad, Seth Weathers, launched his own beer company—one that better reflects traditional American values.

Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right Beer surged in sales following the fallout from the Bud Light boycott and now the company is back with a new ad that takes aim at the failing beer brand:

Fox Business reports:

Ultra Right revealed it is donating a portion of its funds to the 1776 Project, a PAC that works to elect school board members nationwide “who want to reform our public education system by promoting patriotism and pride in American history.”

The 1776 Project took note of Ultra Right’s donations to the Project—a non-profit initiative focused on getting woke school boards out of power.

1776 quotes Conservative Dad from the recent commercial: “That’s why we’re proud that Ultra Right Beer has agreed to donate a portion of their sales to our PAC. Buying an un-woke beer will now contribute to defeating woke school boards.”


CEO Seth Weathers took the chance to share videos and photos from Ultra Right Beer drinkers all over the country.

Weathers exclaimed: “I can’t tell you how happy it makes me when I’m scrolling through TikTok and come across multiple videos like this! Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right Beer drinkers are the best kind of Americans.”


The New York Post reported that things continue to deteriorate for Bud Light:

Social media users shopping at Costco posted images showing an asterisk — which customers have branded a “star of death” or “death star” — had appeared on the price display above shelves stacked with cases of Bud Light.

The asterisk is thought to be an ominous sign that Costco either doesn’t intend on restocking the shelf with the item in question.


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