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U.S. Government HACKED…

Sources have revealed that the U.S. government was hacked mere months ago. …

According to reports, a Chinese hacking group identified as ‘Storm-0558’ took advantage of a security exploit within Microsoft’s Outlook suite and gained access to government information. …

This was achieved through minting fake user verification tokens and then using these fake identity tokens to access email servers and secure information.

The breach lasted nearly a month before it was discovered and addressed.

Microsoft and spokespeople for the U.S. government claim that no serious information was compromised, yet somehow I doubt this.

Nikki Haley made this admonition to the Biden administration: “Secretary Janet Yellen was just in China talking about deepening ties, and China is hacking the U.S. government. Wake up, Joe Biden.”


One user explained Microsoft’s naming system for labeling malicious actors: “Microsoft’s new naming scheme for labeling threat actors(hackers). Usually labeled like Storm-0558 (Group in development- who gained access to customer emails accounts using OWA [Outlook Web Access in Exchange Online] and Outlook dot com via MSA key forged authentication tokens).”

According to The Epoch Times:

Cybersecurity researcher Jake Williams, a former National Security Agency offensive hacker, said the hackers could have used forged authentication tokens to hack into non-enterprise Microsoft users, including Chinese dissidents.

Adam Meyers, the head of intelligence for cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike, highlighted the vulnerability of being too dependent on a single technology provider, such as Microsoft.

“Having one monolithic vendor that is responsible for all of your technology, products, services, and security can end in disaster,” Mr. Meyers said.

Security specialist Steven Adair shared this blog post discussing the recent hack and solutions moving forward.

Journalist Shaun Waterman writes:

“The more I find out abt the #Microsoft hack that allowed Chinese intelligence hackers dubbed Storm-0558 into the cloud email accounts of Commerce Sec Gina Raimondo and undisclosed State Dept officials, the less sense it makes.

Hackers stole a cryptographic master key enabling them to forge authentication tokens for, apparently, any consumer user of Outlook
What the actual f**k? How did they steal that? Why would such a thing even exist? And more importantly, how was the risk it created assessed?”


Washington Examiner focused on Secretary of State Blinken’s visit to China, following the hack:

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) accused Blinken of “legitimizing the CCP’s aggressive behaviors in the process” of his trip to China last month.

“This is unacceptable and exactly why I called for the cancellation of Secretary Blinken’s trip,” she told the Washington Examiner in a statement.

“President Biden’s desire for a ‘thaw’ in relations with the CCP continues to be the incorrect approach.

Instead, we must pursue peace through strength in order to deter further CCP aggression.”


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