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WATCH: Jack Smith’s Case Won’t Even Go To Court?

Jack Smith’s case may not even make it to court. …At least according to one expert.

Former Trump attorney Tim Parlatore recently appeared on CBS News to explain that Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is likely guilty of prosecutorial misconduct. …

The leaking of sensitive investigative material to CNN comes to mind.

Parlatore resigned as an attorney for President Trump earlier this year—reportedly due to differences in strategy with other Trump attorneys.

Here’s what the former Trump attorney had to say on CBS, as well as more on the story:

Parlatore’s comments were provided by The Epoch Times:

“From a discretion point of view, is this something where a prosecution makes sense?

Is it something where it is a slam-dunk case, where some of these things could be interpreted a few different ways?” he said.

“And also, when it comes to a specific issue like this where we are talking about potentially national defense information, is it the type of thing where they want to declassify these things, if they haven’t already been declassified, and put them out publicly?”

“Classification is not binding on the jury,” he noted.

“You have to actually take these documents, show them to the jury, and then prove to them that it constitutes national defense information.”

President Trump released several statements targeting both a weaponized Department of Justice and Special Counsel Jack Smith:

Will Scharf of The Federalist revealed:

Trump’s co-defendant is Waltine “Walt” Nauta, a Navy valet who served in Trump’s White House and who remained a personal aide to Trump after he left office.

Several weeks ago, Nauta’s lawyer, a distinguished, highly-regarded Washington attorney named Stanley Woodward, leveled accusations against senior members of the Department of Justice, including DOJ Counterintelligence Chief Jay Bratt, who is now a part of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team of prosecutors.

According to news reports, Woodward claimed in a sealed letter to D.C. District Chief Judge James Boasberg that, in a meeting to discuss Nauta’s case, Bratt indicated that Woodward’s application to be a D.C. Superior Court judge could be impacted if he could not get Nauta to testify against Trump.


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