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Jim Jordan Wants To Kick The FBI Out Of DC … Here’s His Plan

The politicization of the FBI has been well documented by House Republicans in recent months. If you need a refresher, just check out some of the questions conservative lawmakers peppered FBI Director Christopher Wray with during a congressional hearing this week.

But just asking a few tough questions isn’t going to erase the bias from this corrupted bureau. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) thinks he has a better plan — moving FBI headquarters from the nation’s capital to Huntsville, Alabama.

Here’s what Just the News reported:

To that end, he has thrown his support behind an effort to relocate the FBI headquarters, pointing to existing facilities in Huntsville, Ala., in a bid to depoliticize the bureau, he wrote in a Tuesday letter to the House Appropriations Committee recommending that the House use the “power of the purse” to advance key reforms. The bureau currently seeks to move out of the capital and into the suburbs.

“The Committee remains concerned about the politicization of federal law enforcement power emanating from FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.,” he wrote. “The centralization of FBI operations in the National Capitol Region has led to duplication of activity best left to the respective field offices, contributed to reduced autonomy in local field offices, and allowed improper political influence to taint law enforcement investigations and activity.”

The proposition quickly sparked social media chatter.


Of course, Wray did his best to convince gullible Americans that the FBI isn’t actually biased at all.

His rhetoric on Capitol Hill drew criticism from Jordan and others on his side of the aisle.

According to Fox News:

FBI Director Christopher Wray insisted Wednesday that the bureau is “absolutely not” protecting the Biden family amid allegations the Hunter Biden probe was influenced by politics.

But Wray also refused to answer questions from House Judiciary Committee lawmakers on whether President Biden is under federal investigation for an alleged criminal bribery scheme.

Wray told the committee about the good work of the FBI, denied any alleged politicization within the bureau and blasted claims he is biased against conservatives as “somewhat insane.”

Despite those denials, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, maintained his commitment to stopping the “weaponization of the government against the American people” and slammed the “double standard that exists now in our justice system.”

Here’s a clip of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) taking on Wray:


Clif High Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Refused Trump’s National Guard

I think this is going to blow some of your minds.

It did mine.

I’ve heard bits and pieces of this over the years and have always had a fair amount of skepticism about all the details.

But Clif High does incredible research and has a track record that speaks for itself.

And he’s pulled together a lot of details here that finally all make sense when you see the bigger picture coming together.

I won’t do it near justice in a summary, which is why you just need to listen for yourself, but the main points include the idea that we have “The Republic” and we have the Incorporated “United States”.

I’ve heard that floated around for a long time, but Clif gives specific details and citations as backup.

Beyond that though, is his explanation of Federal land claimed within the United States and how that has been growing and how that’s essentially a foreign nation with the “States United”.

He’s dead on right.

The biggest and most notorious area?

Washington, D.C.

Did you know that is it’s own area?


It’s not a State.

It’s not subject to the things States are subject to.

It’s ran by the Feds and their own laws however they see fit to enforce them.

Ever wondered why all the J6 Prisoners have been sitting rotting away in jail cells for over a year, when our Constitution has a little thing called Habeas Corpus?

It’s because it’s D.C. and they’re not following the Constitution.

Wonder why Nancy Pelosi refused Trump’s offer of the National Guard (National Guard coming from the STATES)?

Because she quite literally viewed it as an infringing militia coming into the Federal D.C. area.

All starting to make sense now?

In fact, it goes well beyond just J6 and D.C.

It explains the plan set in motion by Trump and the Patriots and how it goes back WAY earlier than 2016.


It’s all in here folks and it’s explosive!

As I said, Clif does a much better job than I do of explaining it, so please enjoy:

I actually don’t think Clif is on YouTube, that’s just an account that uploads his stuff.

I think he got kicked off, which is hilarious that this account can stay on.

If you want Clif’s authorized channel, he’s only on Bitchute.

Watch here:

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