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HILARIOUS: Trump Campaign Takes Aim At Chris Christie

I am just going to get into it immediately: Chris Christie is a joke.

The former Governor of New Jersey has made no attempt to hide his disdain for President Trump and the MAGA movement overall.

Christie has called President Trump every name in the book—often to empty ears.

I can almost understand why he and the other Never-Trumpers attack the 45th President of the United States so viciously; after all, would we even know who any of these people were if they hadn’t gotten aboard the Trump-hate train?

Chris Christie is irrelevant as a political figure. There is absolutely zero reason for him to run against any of the current candidates—let alone President Trump. …

This is exactly why recent statements from both President Trump and the Trump campaign team are especially hilarious! Check it out:

The former New Jersey governor recently issued several attacks and challenges to the Trump campaign, including calling Trump a ‘coward’ for choosing to opt out of the debates.

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung recently told The Hill:

“Chris Christie lives in a perpetual fantasy land where he thinks he can be president.

Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie wrapped in incoherent psychotic rage, and he needs to get some professional help.”

The Washington Post chose to do a fluff piece on Christie and tweeted this out on Wednesday: “Chris Christie has a dream. Not a fantasy, though some might call it that, but rather a waking ambition that he is pursuing with open eyes. “I am going to be the alternative to Donald Trump,” he says. “And when I am, I’m going to beat him.”


Here’s more of The Washington Post’s gushing piece on Christie:

In the dream campaign, that nomination is still within reach — Republican voters just need to wake up.

Chris Sununu, New Hampshire’s Republican governor, dreams of a GOP field that tries to jostle the party’s base like Christie is trying to do.

“My fantasy is that all the candidates speak in unison with the truth: Trump represents himself, not the party,” Sununu says.

“They need to say that so the base gets the message loud and clear.”

Now let’s get serious for a moment…

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